Vintage Shop

Cleaning Out

So, exciting news: Mr. Owl and I found a rental house to live in! We’ve got the keys and everything. It’s a nice little 800 square feet 2-story house; the upstairs is the bedroom, and the downstairs is the kitchen and living area (and bathroom). And even better, it comes with a washer and dryer! I am beyond excited.

And as I’m moving random things over to avoid a big rush to move right before the wedding (which is in 18 days. Holy cow), I thought I’d remind you all that I have these pretty things for sale in the shop (they’re all $10 or less now!). I don’t really want to move them with me.

There are a few more products, and the Flower Child Skirt and the Corliynn-Lookalike Skirt are now available– now that I know they made it through the wash without any damage–, so if you see something you like, do me a favor and grab it for yourself! I’d love to have a few less things to move to the new house.

So hop over to Fancy Feathers and see if anything catches your eye!

Have a wonderful Monday!


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