Fashion,  Pregnancy

Body Confidence… as a Pregnant Woman


Fashion & Faith

I knew I would be writing a post like this sooner or later. I have always had a passion for advocating positive body image, no matter what size or shape you are. No matter if you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, if you’re curvaceous or stick-straight, if you’re short and stubby or tall and lanky, if you’re perfectly proportioned or off balance… it doesn’t matter. I’ve always wanted to encourage women of any and every size to accept the shape they are, not be afraid to say that they love the body they have, or work towards positive goals they have set for themselves. Bodies are amazing things, but the media’s pressure towards perfectionism has skewed what “real” beauty is.

5 I am not a stranger to lack of confidence where my shape is concerned. Growing up, I was flat chested until fourteen, and extremely jealous of my cousin, who developed much, much earlier than I did. Then, I started to fill out, I had bad eating habits, and by eighteen I was all-around plump at 180 pounds and 5’6″. But, as my mother predicted, I started to lose the babyish weight, thinned out about the face and waist, and I was okay with my upper half.

My lower half, however… was an entirely different story.

6 See, ever since I started to fill out as a teen, I’ve had a bubble butt and thighs that rub together. And I have always been conscious of that. I learned to dress myself and downplay those areas that I was uncomfortable with, I got married to a man who appreciates the squishy parts I’ve never liked, and I fell into an agreement with my lower half: you behave and don’t get any bigger, and I’ll pretend I love you.

But we’re being honest here: I’ve never loved the hips. I never wear figure-skimming clothes because I don’t like to emphasize that part of my body.

And then a funny thing happened: I got pregnant, and the world changed.

3Suddenly, I have this belly that balances out my hip area, and in a time when I’ve noticed that most women begin to lament the fact that they’re getting bigger, I’ve started to love fitted clothes. I want to emphasize the belly, and I like the way my curves look in dresses like this. Genuinely like.

Pregnancy certainly is a game changer.

8 And who knows, I might start to gain weight (I haven’t, yet) and begin to hate the hips again. But right now, I just want to say: if you’re pregnant and lamenting the added curves… don’t. You’re pregnant. You’re supposed to gain something. Celebrate it. Find clothes that emphasize what you love, and marvel in the fact that you’re growing another human in your own freaking body. I don’t know about you, but I find that pretty darn amazing.


And if you’re not pregnant, what is it about you that you find beautiful? Think about it. God gave you that body for a reason, what are you using it for? Why not be okay with it? Why not take care of it, find what you like about it, and make friends with the not-so-perfect parts? After all, nobody is perfect. You’ve seen what photoshop can do, right? You know those celebrities only look that good on the red carpet because of spanx, stylists, personal chefs, makeup artists, airbrushing, insanely strict diets, copious amounts of money, and personal trainers, right?

9 Pregnant or not, my point is — and always will be– you are you, and that’s pretty amazing. Your friends love you, your family loves you, your significant other (if you have one) adores you, and God made you specifically the way you are. Don’t get hung up on the fact that this celebrity or that blogger is so much thinner/curvier/more beautiful/has better hair/whatever it is you want but don’t have. Focus on what you do have, because that’s far more precious!

4  Dress: ASOS Maternity
Heels and belt: Thrifted
Earrings: Fred Meyer

This is really a lesson I could continue to learn myself.

In other news, this dress is something I saw Southern (California) Belle wear and had to have. (Sorry, Ashley, it was way too cute to resist!) It is basically a really long tee shirt. Seriously, so comfortable!

And this morning, as I was waking up laying on my back, I noticed that my stomach was totally and completely lopsided to the right, and I felt the baby strongly kicking for about thirty seconds. The lopsidedness stayed for a really long time, though; I took pictures, but you can’t really tell on camera as much. Also, my bellybutton is fading fast.

I cannot wait to find out the gender of the baby! Everyone I know, strangers and blog friends (so far) included, thinks it’s a girl. I’m starting to refer to it as a girl, even though we won’t know for 2-1/2 more weeks (merely because that’s when my midwife is scheduling it…). I have some plans on how we’ll reveal the gender. So excited!

I hope you all have a fantastic Monday!


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  • Becca Lee

    This post is amazing! I’m also all for celebrating the body you have! I used to be ultra self-conscious (being 5’11” by age 13 didn’t help…), but now I love my body! I’m glad you’ve been able to start embracing the parts of you that you haven’t been crazy about before.

    Also, that dress is amazing! You look super smokin’ in it!

    Ladyface Blog

    • Eccentric Owl

      I’m so glad you love your body, because you are just adorable! And I think you have the prettiest figure. 😉
      Thank you, Becca! I feel pretty smokin’ in it!

      • Becca Lee

        Aw, shucks, thanks lady! I think it was hard when I was younger just because my body was SO different than what I saw in the media, etc. I’m happy to love it now! And good, you should! You look amazing!

  • Salazar

    Thank you for this post! There will always be parts of my body that I don’t like (my legs are too short, my shoulders too broad) but I’ve learned to accept that I can’t do anything about them. I think the best way is not to think so much about “dressing your shape”, instead I just wear whatever that looks pleasing to my eyes.
    And I agree with Becca, the dress is gorgeous.

    • Eccentric Owl

      You’re welcome! I’m glad it’s encouraging, and I totally agree: dressing in something that looks pleasing to the eye is the way to go. Because dressing in clothes they say are good for your shape doesn’t always work, and gets boring! This dress isn’t a “my shape” suggested dress at all, but hey! It looks good. 😀
      Thank you!

  • Marlen

    haha when i saw this i instantly thought of ashley- the both of you rock it SO well! and hooray for this super positive and encouraging post. i have thighs that just wont go away, and i’ve had the same sort of agreement with them that you did. i was all, i wont dress you in short shorts and you don’t get any thicker. but i always thought that when i get prego i’d totally wear tight dresses too. i LOVE the bump, and i think there’s just something so amazingly magic about a woman that’s a mom-to-be. so go you!!

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

    • Eccentric Owl

      Isn’t it a great dress? I’m so in love with it, and I admit: I wore it three days in a row because it’s so comfortable.
      Oh, thighs. I definitely still have issues with shorts, but now it’s more… why don’t stores make shorts that are flattering to more than just skinny-legged people? Seriously. Short shorts= not so great.
      I agree! I LOVE it when pregnant women emphasize the bump! It’s amazing. 😀 Thanks!

  • SomeCallMeQ

    I love this blog! And you’re rant about celebrities is so on point! I forget about all the resources they have on hand that I just don’t and honestly don’t want. Thanks for sharing. I’m glad you’re embracing your body. All of it. And I hope it continues after Little Owl is here.

    • Eccentric Owl

      Aww, thank you! Yeah, that’s the thing I get hung up on the most, or notice other women doing the same: celebrities have better bodies, hair, faces, makeup, whatever… and really, you just have to remember that they pay for personal trainers, personal chefs, diet very strictly, have tons of money, have makeup artists, have stylists… you know, the works! It’s a good reminder to have!
      I hope so too. I’ve heard my friends say motherhood made them confident about things they didn’t like before, so I’m hoping it sticks!

  • Grace

    Glowing and pretty!! I loved being pregnant for the same reasons you are, I finally felt pretty. Now that I look back at picture I realize I wasn’t, but I didn’t care and still don’t. I felt beautiful and that’s all that mattered. Ps. You are having a boy(;-) just a guess)

    Grace e

    • Eccentric Owl

      Thank you, Grace! I’m sure you were beautiful as a pregnant woman, even if only because you felt that way! It’s good to be confident in whatever body you have!
      Hehe, we will see very soon!

  • Nicole R.

    We all definitely need those reminders that celebrities have access to a whole bunch of unrealistic tools that us mere mortals may never see in our lives. That image is their livelihood, and they invest accordingly.

    Gorgeous dress, fantastic post! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Eccentric Owl

      I agree, Nicole! I don’t blame celebrities at all for presenting themselves as they do, after all… it’s their job! But sadly, the media then tells us mortals WE have to look like that without the money or the resources, and down goes the confidence and positive body image!

      Thank you!

  • Demi

    New commenter to your site but I have to say you look great in fitted clothes!! I noticed such a difference in your confidence! Demi

  • Jessi

    I knew I saw this dress on Ashley too 🙂 It’s the cutest maternity dress, I love it! You look beautiful and perfectly proportioned 🙂 I love this post! You’re such an inspiration. I’m slowly trying to learn to love myself too. I also have a less-than-great relationship with my hips & thighs.


  • Fashiondiction

    Your post is truly inspiring. Even though I am not pregnant and without children, I have a number of friends who have gone through the insecurities of their body changing due to pregnancy. So I would like to commend you for giving pregnant women out there a reason to embrace their new bodies.

    By the way you look amazing! So good that I’m even considering having a child hehe.

  • LadyD

    *Deep sigh*…reading your post was like breathing in a beautifully scented flower…so encouraging and beautiful. Thank you. I’m not pregnant, but I can identify with squishy parts, rubbing thighs and little love for the lower half. No matter how many times I’ve heard it, it always encourages me to be reminded God has made us as we are and true beauty cannot be bottled. Thank you for sharing your heart honestly and being open about your struggles and sharing your own beauty! Blessings on you beautiful lady and that gorgeous baby!

  • Ashly Kissman

    Great post and sooo true! By the way you look great in that dress. I hope to rock fitted clothes one day when I am pregnant. Work that belly girl! lol.

  • Bettina

    Oh my, I haven’t been here for a while. Congratulations!!! Pregancy certainly agrees with you. You absolutely rock that dress, gorgeous!

  • Rubee Best

    Oh my you look amazing! You definitely need to show your figure off. I’m 16 weeks pregnant and I usually don’t wear anything fitted around my stomach. It’s always been my problem area but now I want to wear fitted clothes to show off my bump! It’s opened up a whole new fashion world!

  • Deanna Fike

    when i got pregnant with my first son, i had lost 65 pounds the previous year, going from around 190 to 125. it was unplanned, and my husband and i didn’t even want children then. i ended up gaining all of my weight back. but fortunately i lost it after my son was born. now that i’ve been pregnant twice, i feel like i can finally appreciate my body (flaws and all) for what a remarkable thing it is.