• Fashion

    I get hives for you.

     Details: Shirt($3.99), belt ($2.99), flower ring ($1.99)and shoes (2.49), thrifted; Dress (gift), American Eagle; Necklace(gift), Target; Turquoise ring, inherited. Approximate outfit cost:  $11.46 (the dress was around $20, so say $31.46 for those of you that wouldn’t have gotten it as a gift.) The title of this blog reads a bit creepier than it sounded in my head. Sorry about that. But I did literally get hives, all for the sake of a few pictures. See… as stated in that sidebar thing, I’m allergic to pretty much everything. I didn’t used to be, I just sort of… grew into my allergies. And this morning, I thought it might be fun– at…

  • Fashion

    Beauty in Imperfection

    I’m going to say something right now that might get a few raised eyebrows from all of you, but I want you to know that I’m not just saying it out of vanity or self-absorption. And what I am going to say is this: I am beautiful. Now, before you start laughing or shaking your head at me, let me explain why I said that. See, a friend sent me a blog post she’d read titled “The disease called ‘Perfection’“, and it got me thinking. I’ve mentioned a lot of my imperfections on this blog, sometimes out of self-deprecation, sometimes out of frustration, sometimes in jest, sometimes not even thinking…