• Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Body Confidence… as a Pregnant Woman

    I knew I would be writing a post like this sooner or later. I have always had a passion for advocating positive body image, no matter what size or shape you are. No matter if you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, if you’re curvaceous or stick-straight, if you’re short and stubby or tall and lanky, if you’re perfectly proportioned or off balance… it doesn’t matter. I’ve always wanted to encourage women of any and every size to accept the shape they are, not be afraid to say that they love the body they have, or work towards positive goals they have set for themselves. Bodies are amazing…

  • Fashion

    Remix, rewear, repeat.

    It’s official: I am in love with this skirt. I don’t even care that I just wore it, and with polka dots no less; I can foresee many, many ways to mix this with all of my current wardrobe items. It was the best $2.50 I ever spent. Love. I don’t really have much else to say today! But the sun is shining, the weekend is almost here, and life is good. Other than the fact that I don’t have a car. But even that is fine! I get to drive my in-laws’ car, which is way nicer than mine (the window rolls down! The back windshield wiper works! The…

  • Fashion

    Almost Lover

    I thought I’d do something a little different– black and white pictures. Or almost black and white. I never do colorless things (you know me and bright colors) but my outfit is all black, brown, and cream today so it doesn’t detract much to make it grayscale. Right? I’ve had Almost Lover stuck in my head all day. It has become a sort of inspiration/theme song for that vampire novel I’m trying to finish this month, and I can’t stop singing it. It’s one of the most beautiful songs ever. And my boss was mocking me when I was humming it at work. Which made it slightly less beautiful. Darn…