• Fashion

    I Like To Cut Things Up.

    Amongst the other changes I’ve made recently- you know, eating healthy and all that- I’ve decided not to use my internet for anything but my Bible reading posts on Saturdays and Sundays. Why? Because I realized recently that there are days that go by where I do not put my computer down. All day. (Except to get some coffee.) And I was pretty much wasting my day doing absolutely nothing. I felt like I had to be online or I would miss something very important and… I don’t know. Some crap like that. One of the big reasons for ceasing to use my internet on the weekends is that my…

  • Fashion

    More Clothes I Do Not Have.

    Yes, more Polyvore. I am addicted to that site. Day Dress by UrbanHoneyPioneer featuring Forever21 The Green Dress by UrbanHoneyPioneer featuring Alexis Bittar jewelry I’ve made two other… three others… and a living room. But I particularly liked these two. I’ve found that I’m drawn towards  really soft, really feminine, flowery looks, or all mainly one color… and I love yellow. *sigh* I only wish that it looked good on me. I’ll just have to stick with yellow shoes and accessories for my yellow fix. And before long, this blog is going to be mainly fashion. 😛 I could make fifty new polyvore outfits in a day and not be…

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