• Photography

    Photography: Ashton, Rockabilly Retro

    Well, in lieu of my daily posts, which have all but ceased as I try to utilize my husband’s photography skills and get over morning-sickness (which is getting worse and worse as we go, ugh), and by popular demand,  I wanted to start sharing my photography sessions again! I had quite a few at the end of the year last year, which was exciting, and this year I’m hoping to turn photography into an actual business (as I was mainly doing it as a hobby). This month, my husband and I are going to shoot a quick wedding, and then I’m going to do a maternity photoshoot, and I’m so…

  • Fashion

    Magic Hour

    Do you ever have one of those days where everything goes fantastic until the very end? And somehow, even though it’s been a great day, you have a breakdown over something somewhat miniscule? Yesterday was one of those days. My  husband and I took a day trip to Port Townsend, and the whole day was really great right up until we got home with an exhausted baby who had decided he didn’t really want to eat normally OR sleep much all day. After feeding him and getting him to go to sleep, he woke up 45 minutes later crying hysterically, and I knew he was just tired but it suddenly…