• Fashion

    Painting the Roses Red

    With it being October, I have costumes on my mind. Growing up, we didn’t celebrate Halloween at all; when the 31st came around ours was the dark house with nobody that answered and occasionally brothers who wanted to hide under piles of leaves outside and scare anyone who walked past. We have really only lived in a neighborhood twice as it is — once in a small town when I was between the ages of 9-13, and once right after Mr. Owl and I started dating. So to have the non-treat house wasn’t as big of a deal most of the time, and most of my own disappointment with Halloween…

  • Fashion

    Yellow and Blue

    Behold, my second attempt to take pictures by myself while Mr. Owl was working. My first attempt was not so great. And these are all just a tiny bit out of focus, but for a second try with a camera that only has a timer and no remote… I’ll live with them. I wore this a few weeks ago, back before I broke my computer cord, and I loved it. I felt very business-woman-y. Which I’m not sure if that’s quite my style, but it worked for the day. It works for my job. While I was taking these pictures, a neighbor (ish) came up the driveway and introduced herself,…