• Weekend Links

    Friday Links

    (A building from a small town; a country road; Mr Owl *swoon*) Weekend Pretties: I just stumbled upon Wendy’s Lookbook. And I want her hair. These pictures of Hannah Metz and Keiko Lynn . So dreamy! Kate’s polka dot skirt and mint blouse. Speaking of polka dots, Kater’s dress is amazing! I need that whole outfit. It must just be polka dot day, because I’m wearing polka dots, too. Weekend Cuteness: Cambodian kids try to say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. This kitty looooves this doggie. This doggie is… tolerant. Baby Sloths! Weekend Fact: Today is National Donut Day! Which means, of course, that I have to eat a donut. Speaking of donuts, here…

  • Weekend Links

    Friday Links

    Well, posting pictures yesterday didn’t work out like I planned, and all the pictures I want right now are still on  Mr. Owl’s camera. Forgive me for the lack of posting lately! Hopefully, next week with bring forth a good amount of pictures.   In the meantime, enjoy the links! Weekend Nerdiness: Star Wars, retold in icons. Weekend Pretties: Emma’s elephant shirt is fantastic, and I want it! Jessica’s red dress… I need. Right now, please? Kate, as always, has the prettiest dresses! I just need to steal all of her wardrobe. Weekend Cuteness: Two little girls try to say “popsicle“. Last week, it was a baby hippo. This time:…

  • Weekend Links

    Friday Links (and also, it’s my birthday)

    Mr. Owl took these pictures. Of an owl. That I really, really wanted. And I shared it via my twitter feed and one of my older posts, but seeing as how I haven’t stolen Mr. Owl’s camera recently nor have we been very good lately at taking dress pictures… this is what you get. 😉 Today is my birthday! I’m 24 today, and for some reason 24 feels very… important. I don’t feel older, really, but somehow this birthday feels like the precedent to great things. The blog is growing up, I have Mr. Owl, I have a “grown up” job, and this year just feels like it will be…