• Featured Bloggers,  Sponsors

    Getting to Know You: Romé, Sunday Millie vintage

    Blogging never ceases to amaze me in the friends I make in unexpected ways. Sunday Millie is one of my favorite sponsors not only for the gorgeous collection of dresses the shop owner, Romé, has posted, but also for the owner herself! Through working with the shop, I’ve gotten to know her better and we have become friends. It’s been SO much fun talking to her and getting to know her via Etsy conversations, and I’m so excited to share a little interview so that all of you can get to know the person behind all those pretty dresses! 1. Obviously, you have an amazing collection of vintage for sale.…

  • Fashion,  Vintage Shop

    Resolution #5

    I’m trying to keep up with the blog even though I have no computer except the work computer, so while I’m waiting for the money to buy a new laptop, I thought I’d take care of other things: specifically, one of my new year’s resolutions. In my new year post, I mentioned cultivating my blog shop, which I’ve had around for a little while now. I started it up just to get rid of some of my clothes that I think are too pretty to give to Goodwill just yet, but the more I put up, the more I realized how much I love styling and posting garments for other…