• Fashion

    Pinup Belle || Costume

    Tale as Old as Time Happy Halloween! Ever since I was Cinderella last year, I knew that this year I wanted to try to put together a Belle costume. I have loved Beauty and the Beast since I was four years old; it came out that year, and it was because of Beauty and the Beast that my parents really discovered I have some talent in music. I played “Tale as old as Time” by ear at four on the piano, which signaled to them that I really should be put into music lessons. So you could say Beauty and the Beast has literally affected my life. I had a…

  • Fashion

    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

    Happy Halloween! This year’s costume was not really planned very far in advance. I figured that like last year, I would just pull together something from my closet and be good, but then I found this dress. And even after I found the dress, I didn’t immediately think “Ooh, Cinderella!” because originally it had a high lace collar  that made it look more Sister Wife than Disney Princess (I posted a shot of the before on Facebook here). But then after deciding that I loved the color and flow of the dress too much to repair and sell it (the sleeve seams underneath were split) and knowing that I would…

  • Fashion

    I TOLD you my pouting has the power to change the weather dramatically.

    Maybe if I pout more, the snow will stop melting and the sky will give us a blizzard. As with the last time it snowed, I had to do a fun random fantasy-esque photoshoot.  I had some fun with the editing, too. (Ugh, I just tried to spell “fun” with “ph”.) Fun fact: I made that mask. And the dress is actually a rectangular piece of fabric that I’ve safety-pinned up the side and at the shoulers and tied with a red ribbon. Because I am WAY too impatient to actually sew things together. And the sword in the second-to-last picture– which, sadly, did not want to show up amongst…