
And the Night-Creatures Prowl

The dress I wore today always reminds me of a modern vampire. Not that I’d ever really want to be a vampire (who wants to live forever, really? And never eat real food again? No thanks.), but this is how I imagine I’d look.

Yes. This picture is a good example of how productive my day was. Becoming a vampire was at the very top of my to-do list, and voila! Here I am. Vampire. Done.

I wore this into work to pick up my check today, and my manager asked me “Do you even own a pair of sweats or jeans?” It made me smile.
Like the bank teller’s expression when I answered her question of “Going somewhere special?” with  “Nope, I always dress like this.”

I find it funny that people don’t expect a young woman to dress nicely on her days off if she doesn’t have somewhere to go. I mean… does there have to be an occasion? It’s not mandatory to look like a slob while you’re picking out vegetables at the grocery store, y’know.

I love the fun details of this dress- the heart-shaped bodice, the slightly ruffled sleeves- and how they are added to by the darker tones. Secretly, it makes me smile because the outfit reminds me of something a modern vampire would wear. It’s not completely black, but it’s just toned down and sexy enough to be… vampire-esque.

So as I wandered the library, my imagination caught me for a second and I was pretending I was a vampire and nobody knew.

Yes, I’m a bit of a nerd.

The shoes and earrings, I bought to wear with my Maid-of-Honor dress for my friend’s wedding in January. I adore them, and I can’t wait to upload pictures of the dress after the wedding! It’s absolutely gorgeous, full-length chiffon with iridescent black beading… sigh. A dream.

Well. I’m off to write a little, watch a movie with the very lovely Vincent Perez in it, and make some dinner!

I hope you’re all having a lovely day!

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