• Fashion


    I was looking back through my archives today, and it’s amazing how much I’ve changed. I think I’ve finally settled into my own style, and I’ve quit trying to look like other people. I’ve become more comfortable with my body, I’ve learned to reject beautiful garments if they don’t fit me right, and I’ve realized that it’s okay to follow a certain formula so long as it works for me. This outfit definitely follows my formula: a comfortable top (preferably vee neck, but not so deeply cut that I have to wear a camisole beneath), a full (twirly) skirt, lots of colors, and a belt. I used to try to…

  • Fashion

    How to: wear black and orange and not look like Halloween

    Well, at least I don’t think I look like Halloween. But I went to Target the other day, and they had their tights fully stocked so I had to grab orange, yellow, and red tights. I love them all! I’m back! As you can see. I dropped my friend off at the airport about two hours ago, and I should be back to blogging regularly now. That eight days that she was here went by really fast for me.  I’m feeling really off today, picture-taking wise. I took 68 pictures, and really only like a fraction of them. But today has been kind of… I don’t even know… random? But not…

  • Fashion

    I’ll stand in the rain for you

    So I did something to my head. It was a very impulsive something, and it could have turned out very badly. Would you like to see? Of course you would!  I don’t think this is particularly the best showcasing of my new bangs, which I cut this morning, but I like them. They’re quite… they make me feel French. Or something. It’ll take me a few days to really settle into them, but they turned out better than I thought. Especially considering the many factors of today that should really have rendered me incapable of doing anything.  And, by the way, it was raining. Is raining, cold, wet, windy, and generally…

  • Fashion

    Almost Lover

    I thought I’d do something a little different– black and white pictures. Or almost black and white. I never do colorless things (you know me and bright colors) but my outfit is all black, brown, and cream today so it doesn’t detract much to make it grayscale. Right? I’ve had Almost Lover stuck in my head all day. It has become a sort of inspiration/theme song for that vampire novel I’m trying to finish this month, and I can’t stop singing it. It’s one of the most beautiful songs ever. And my boss was mocking me when I was humming it at work. Which made it slightly less beautiful. Darn…

  • Fashion

    Broken Skeptics

    So… hmm. Yeah. I really don’t have much to say today. I have a headache and I’m a bit tired from working all week, moving, unpacking, cleaning, running errands, etc… so… uhm…  yes. I wore this with a grandma sweater. No, really. It’s a sweater that belonged to my grandma. And it is the most comfortable sweater I have ever worn, and I love it even if it IS white and I’m prone to spilling things. So this is the back deck of our new house. Well, the house we’re living in. It’s not technically ours. We’re renting. That’s not what my point was going to be. *ahem* I felt…