• Fashion,  Paleo

    A Paleo Story (And an outfit with a cape)

    Most of you know that I started eating mostly Paleo around the time that I got pregnant. I did a Whole30 and loved it, and then found out I was pregnant, and then had some mild repercussions from eating dairy and wheat, and basically cut most non-Paleo foods from my diet for the majority of my pregnancy. And I believe that’s why I had such a good pregnancy– as long as I was eating Paleo, I had no heartburn, no trouble sleeping, no grogginess in the morning, no back problems, no constipation, no queasiness, no stomach aches, no headaches, no swelling… none of those pesky issues that I’ve always heard…

  • Paleo

    30 Days Paleo: Week One Recap

    I posted last week about eating intentionally, and I’m happy to say so far so good! I’ve been following the meal plans I made up for myself pretty well, and it has made day-to-day life so much easier when I’m lazy and don’t want to think about what to eat. I wrote down meals for breakfast, lunch, and a few dinners (my mom and I take turns cooking), along with cookbooks and page numbers, and then went shopping for everything I would need for those meals. So there’s no mindlessly searching through my cookbooks or the fridge and not having ingredients or feeling too lazy to whip something up. My…

  • Paleo

    Eating Intentionally

    So recently I came across the blog When At Home, and fell in love with it. Kristen writes some GREAT posts about paying off debts, loneliness and motherhood, and living intentionally… and I love all of these things. Especially that last one. Lately, I have been trying and failing to do another Whole30. I loved doing it the first time, I felt awesome afterwards, and my eating habits improved vastly. But life happened (hello, baby), and while I have been eating much healthier than I ever did pre Whole30… y’know… there’s just… okay, can we talk about how addicting Hershey’s Cookies and Cream bars are? Because seriously. Diet. Ruined. I…

  • Makeup and Beauty

    Skincare during pregnancy, general routine, and a few tips

    I’ve been meaning to do a skincare post for a while, but somehow just never got around to it until now! I am no stranger to having skin issues, as you can see! The left is me with makeup on two years ago, edited to make the breakout seem better than it was. The right is me a few weeks ago (I look the same now, I promise) with no makeup on and no editing done. And I’m pretty sure I had also just woken up, ha! Suffice it to say, though, my skin has drastically improved in the last few years. First off, I have had a few people…

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  • Paleo

    The Whole 30: The End

    Well, today marks the end of our 30 days. It’s crazy knowing that I have stuck with this way of eating for a whole month. I haven’t stuck to anything healthy like this for years! I’m definitely feeling a lot better, and even when I don’t get enough sleep I have more energy than I did before, and I have lost 5.5 inches all together (the most in one area being 2-1/4 inches off my belly) and exactly 5 pounds in the last thirty days. Which, while not a huge or visible difference in weight, is still progress and progress is always good. Highlights: Having more energy Losing a few pounds…