• Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Body Confidence… as a Pregnant Woman

    I knew I would be writing a post like this sooner or later. I have always had a passion for advocating positive body image, no matter what size or shape you are. No matter if you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, if you’re curvaceous or stick-straight, if you’re short and stubby or tall and lanky, if you’re perfectly proportioned or off balance… it doesn’t matter. I’ve always wanted to encourage women of any and every size to accept the shape they are, not be afraid to say that they love the body they have, or work towards positive goals they have set for themselves. Bodies are amazing…

  • Fashion

    Yellow and Blue

    Behold, my second attempt to take pictures by myself while Mr. Owl was working. My first attempt was not so great. And these are all just a tiny bit out of focus, but for a second try with a camera that only has a timer and no remote… I’ll live with them. I wore this a few weeks ago, back before I broke my computer cord, and I loved it. I felt very business-woman-y. Which I’m not sure if that’s quite my style, but it worked for the day. It works for my job. While I was taking these pictures, a neighbor (ish) came up the driveway and introduced herself,…

  • Fashion

    Snow White is cranky.

    You can’t tell by this picture, but I’m feeling a little bit cranky today. I blame the weather. And lack of good sleep. And the unhealthy amount of chocolate I had last night. And my hair’s disobedience (especially my bangs.) But I’m leaving to see my Owl today, so all will be well. We plan to do a possible photoshoot in the woods if the weather decides to get nicer, make doughnuts, and watch The Two Towers. Despite my current crankiness, I think it’ll turn out to be a much better day than it feels right now. Speaking of my hair– which I was a few sentences ago, shush– I…

  • Fashion

    Broken Skeptics

    So… hmm. Yeah. I really don’t have much to say today. I have a headache and I’m a bit tired from working all week, moving, unpacking, cleaning, running errands, etc… so… uhm…  yes. I wore this with a grandma sweater. No, really. It’s a sweater that belonged to my grandma. And it is the most comfortable sweater I have ever worn, and I love it even if it IS white and I’m prone to spilling things. So this is the back deck of our new house. Well, the house we’re living in. It’s not technically ours. We’re renting. That’s not what my point was going to be. *ahem* I felt…

  • Fashion

    The Blue Giraffe

    Today was one of those days where I decided to change five minutes before I left for church– I have a dress that I love, but which I find hard to style. Mainly because none of my shoes really go with it, and it irks me. I had planned to wear that dress today– and I had it on and was all ready to go– but then last-minute decided that I needed to wear these shoes again, and I wanted to be incredibly colorful. Thus… the giraffe skirt and my new favorite shirt. I didn’t take very many pictures of this outfit (I took a ton of the other one),…