
Food Update: The Whole 30 Progress


So we are now on day 13 on our Whole 30 adventure, and so far I LOVE it. I have so much more energy, and I feel so much more free to eat without worrying about what the food is going to do to me body or my skin. It’s wonderful!


It’s amazing how much better you feel when you are properly nourishing your body. And as you can see, we eat pretty darn well. And we eat a lot more variety than we had before. The entirety of fruits and veggies and meats is open to us, and I’ve been picking out so much that I’d normally pass over.

It’s such a rewarding experience. I plan to eat this way for life, with the occasional allowances of the foods we don’t eat if they’re really worth it. (Hello, peanut butter cups).

This is just a quick update since I’m blogging from my phone, but so far, I love the paleo/whole30 way of eating. There’s so much freedom in it!
I hope you are all having a wonderful Thursday!



  • mariecarolk

    Yay! I love that you guys are doing this. My dad’s a vegan for health reasons so he eats like this (sans the meat) almost 95% of the time. It makes him feel so much better, and recently he’s been getting me to do it as well. It does make you feel really great and clean!


    • Eccentric Owl

      Doesn’t it feel great? The difference between now and before is pretty amazing. Even when I am running on a lack of sleep I have more energy than I would have before I quit eating all the bad stuff!

  • Meanz Chan

    That’s so great! My boyfriend and I are thinking about doing the 30 day program. It’s so wonderful to hear that it’s going so well for you. Also, all that food looks delicious!

  • Eliza

    I am a completely hopeless cook. So while I would love to eat more like this, I look at these pictures and think “How do you even know how to do that?”. Would it be possible for you to post a few recipes you have found have been great staples for your new diet?

    • Eccentric Owl

      Of course! I had no other planned posts today, so I’ll definitely write up a more detailed look at what I generally always have in my house to eat/whip up quick meals with, and the must-have staples in my kitchen!