• Vintage Shop

    Shop Update

    Click on any picture to be taken to its shop listing. I have finally, finally cleared out a bunch of dresses that I have been meaning to sell, and mostly without trying them on and thinking “Oh, but maybe I do want this.” I’ve had all these items for who knows how long, sitting there waiting to be styled up and gotten rid of, but for some reason I just haven’t had the motivation to actually post them. But you had better hurry and grab something if you see anything you like, because I might change my  mind. I’ve kept one already. Although, it did have to pass Mr. Owl’s inspection, which…

  • Vintage Shop

    Closet cleaning

    So today, I’m cleaning out my closet to sell a few skirts I no longer wear, but why is it so hard??? I’m starting to get all sentimental about these skirts. Three of them, I’ve only ever worn once so I’m not that attached– other than thinking “Oh, but what if someday I need the skirt again?” But this one skirt… I don’t know, I’ve wore it a ton last year, but I haven’t worn it…. for almost a year. And I realize it’s not the most flattering skirt on me, and the pattern is not my kind of pattern at all, and it’s shorter than I’d like it to be……

  • Vintage Shop


    A blog shop! I had planned to make it public later this week, but Mr. Owl and I didn’t end up taking outfit pictures yesterday, so instead… you get to see the shop. I don’t have very much up yet, since I only have time to work on it before work or before bed, but hopefully by the weekend I’ll be able to track down and put up everything I’m selling from my closet. Everything I’m selling will be priced close to what I purchased it for, since they’re all used items and I just need to get them out of my closet. My goal is to always keep the…