• Fashion

    This Beautiful Life

    I just recently came across a blog full of such beautiful word imagery — describing daily life, but in a whimsical, aching, enraptured way — that I have been rethinking the way I write this blog. As a child, I owned many, many journals, but I never wrote about my life in them. I always tried to imagine myself as someone else, as a damsel in distress with beautiful handwriting, meeting a charming wanderer who would sweep me off my feet and create a fairytale in my life. My journals are full of half-pages of these imaginings, in childish cursive, and very few entries are of real life. It has…

  • Fashion

    A New Way to Wear a Scarf

    I just got five beautiful new silk scarves from a recent garage-sale-ing trip, and I have been wracking my brain for new ways to wear them, so that I can showcase the gorgeous prints on the scarves. I mean, wearing them as headscarves only goes so far, and only coordinates with so many outfits. Plus, as a headscarf, you can’t see the full prettiness of the scarf. So when I was playing with my outfit this morning, I felt pretty smart for realizing I could wear the scarf like this. I love the way it looks! Especially with this skirt, which is my new favorite. It’s from Oasap, and it…

  • DIY and Recipes,  Fashion

    6 Tips for Taking Good Outfit Photos On Your Own

    A few days ago, one of my lovely long-time readers asked what my secrets are for taking good outfit pictures on my own. Most of you probably know that half the time I take my own photos, and the other half, my husband takes them. Secretly, I prefer taking my own outfit pictures — I have more artistic control, I know the shots I want, and to me it’s just fun. Plus then I’m not rushed.  However, taking outfit photos by yourself can be tricky, and I am still learning things after 10 years of taking my own photos. Here are my top 6 tips. 1. Buy a tripod! Back…

  • Fashion

    Hello, Sweetie

    Thursday’s Clara Oswald inspired outfit has started a theme, you guys. Yesterday, I realized that this tunic is sort of reminiscent of what River Song wears in the “Let’s Kill Hitler” episode… and there’s that. I now have a Pinterest board that a friend and I are filling up with outfits from TV shows that we can actually create from our closets, and it’s so fun! You’re probably going to be seeing a lot more outfits inspired by TV characters now. I think this is my favorite thing to do, because it doesn’t have to be an all-out perfect cosplay, and it’s a good jump-start for days when I’m feeling…

  • Fashion

    Mom Style: Leggings Are(n’t) Pants

    So I was always firmly on the side of “leggings are not pants” argument. You can totally be more creative than that, I thought. Skirts are just as easy. Dresses are just one piece. Even jeans can be okay, when styled nicely. And for the longest time, I looked at girls who wore leggings for pants with a certain amount of fashion disdain. They were so not trying hard enough. In my defense, most of the girls I see (except for bloggers) wearing leggings as pants tend to wear sheer leggings, leggings that are way too tight, and/or leggings that are just… not meant to be pants. I mean, I’ll…