• Baby and Parenthood,  Fashion

    A Farewell to Arms

    Yesterday morning was probably the last time I will ever nurse Asa. It’s not a decision I made willingly, and I’m incredibly brokenhearted about it. But over the last three months, my milk supply has been dropping steadily, and nothing I tried — lactation tea, lactation cookies, staying hydrated, eating more, nursing more often — helped. My body just decided it’s time to stop with the breastfeeding. Plus, Asa is getting much more independent, so most of the time he just wasn’t interested in nursing so much as feeding from the bottle. By himself.  The night before I knew it would be the last time, I was pretty broken up…

  • Fashion

    Red Riding Hood

    Happy Halloween! Here’s the last installment of my closet-costume characters, and even though she technically doesn’t have red hair and also she has a hood, I’m pretty happy with this one! It’s raining buckets today, so I had to wear something appropriately warm for when we go out trick-or-treating later, and this cape definitely does the trick! Although Mr. Owl is possibly going as Brand from the Goonies, because that’s who he decided to be for the work costume contest today… and he really wants me to go as an 80’s girl. But uh… yeah. I think I’m going to stick with Red Riding Hood. None of us are going…

  • Fashion

    Little Red

    Since I’ve been on a sort of roll with my Doctor Who Inspired outfits, I have been really wanting to do some Fairytale inspired outfits, too, and this marks my first one. If you hadn’t guessed by the cape and the title and the basket, I decided to start up with Little Red Riding Hood. I saw this cape on Oasap, and HAD to have it! It looked so cozy and retro and perfect for fall, and when it arrived yesterday I was definitely not disappointed. It’s so soft! I can’t wait to style it other ways! As I posted earlier today (two posts in one day! Why not?), I’ve…

  • Fashion

    A Dollar Well Spent

    I know, guys; this is totally a spring outfit. Forgive me. On Friday, while we were thrift-shopping for props and costumes for our short film, I came across three western-themed dresses. One was browns and creams and oranges, in a sort of Indian-type print; the other was a teal green, with embroidery on the chest and fringe (also on the chest), and then there was this one. I nearly grabbed all three, but we weren’t supposed to be shopping for me and I knew my husband would probably naysay the other two. This one, though… I had to have. It was originally ankle-length, but with a little hem-job it’s pretty…

  • Fashion

    Bang Bang

    Do you ever have those days where you make a decision that you regret almost before you’ve even made it? Today is one of those days. As if I haven’t already done enough to my hair, I decided I wanted to trim my  bangs up a bit, since I’ve decided to give the curling iron a rest for a few days (to let my hair get over the trauma of being dyed). But right as I began to cut I thought “do I really want to do this?” *snip*  “too late…” Somehow, no matter how low I begin cutting my bangs, they end up much higher than I intended them…