• Fashion

    A plaid skirt and Modcloth shoe review

    So let me tell you the story of these shoes. I may have already blogged a little about it a while ago, but you’ll forgive me for slightly repeating myself, right? I have been searching for a good pair of shoes for winter and fall here, which means close-toed because it’s wet all the time, flat or slightly wedged because high heels with a baby are not entirely practical, and in a retro style and definitely a color because I’m tired of neutral shoes and all of my cute retro shoes basically fell apart on the same day. After a long, long search, I found these on Modcloth a month…

  • Fashion


    I have been wanting red hair for a really, really long time, but whenever I pass the dye in the store, I get spooked; the last time I dyed my hair red, it wasn’t what I had hoped for, and it wasn’t flattering to my skin. I have pinkish skin, and certain reds just bring that out. But this time… I did my research, I spent a bit more money, and oh. my. goodness. I am so in love! It’s actually a better color than I had expected; dyeing the hair, it looked pretty orange, but I know by now never to trust what the dye looks like. Following a…

  • Fashion

    This Beautiful Life

    I just recently came across a blog full of such beautiful word imagery — describing daily life, but in a whimsical, aching, enraptured way — that I have been rethinking the way I write this blog. As a child, I owned many, many journals, but I never wrote about my life in them. I always tried to imagine myself as someone else, as a damsel in distress with beautiful handwriting, meeting a charming wanderer who would sweep me off my feet and create a fairytale in my life. My journals are full of half-pages of these imaginings, in childish cursive, and very few entries are of real life. It has…

  • Fashion


    This is the building that, had I gotten married in the summer, I would have gotten married in. It is a beautiful, huge brick building with these huge windows down both sides, a massive fireplace at one side, and really high ceilings. It’s located on an old military base-turned-park. I had the fleeting thought to get married there anyway, even though we got married in December, but it’s right next to the water and is a chilly building even in the middle of the hottest summer day. So to be married there in the winter would have been so brutal! It’s much too large and open a building to hold…

  • Fashion

    By the sea

    We took Asa out for his first walk in his stroller ever, and had to snap pictures down by the water where my parents live. I absolutely love the location; they are close to a woodland park that also has a large field nearby, and it’s close to an inlet with a nice, curvy road that is perfect for long walks! I would love to live close to this area. It’s so beautiful! Of course, since my husband took the pictures, I had to make a face. I really need to have him snap my photos regularly; they always look better, and then I’ll get more comfortable posing for him.…