• Fashion

    I pictured this going better in my head.

    Since I’m trying to get to 500 posts by Toby’s Bloggyversary, I’m splitting my posts for a while. One will be an outfit post, the other one… whatever else I have to say that day. So the title of this post is actually a search term someone used to find my blog the other day. I thought it was funny. And then, oddly enough, the title of the post applied to my outfits today, and an item of clothing I bought last night. See, I didn’t actually start today wearing the above outfit. I was wearing this: And don’t get me wrong, I like that outfit a lot. But I…

  • Fashion,  Writing

    … and it’s just really hard to reconcile the two.

    Excuse me if this post seems choppy with the pictures. It’s an experiment. So we all know that I’m a writer. Right? Well… if we don’t, we do now. {Side note: I really don’t know why I’m referring to you as “we.” Or if I am, in fact, referring to the voices in my head. Which mostly think I’m very sad for having a life that mostly consists of doing things online.} And I started this blog almost two years ago {March 29th is my… its… our…?… two year anniversary. Bloggyversary. Birthday? Whatever. Too many side notes!} to chronicle the ups and downs of my writing, as well as the…