• Fashion

    The great indoors

      It’s been incredibly rainy for the past few days, so I gave in and decided to do an indoor shoot. But, since our house is tiny and the only good lighting is in the upstairs hallway — which is itty bitty– I can’t really get great pictures. Oh, well! I like this outfit too much to not share it! I thrifted the shirt and the skirt — which you’ll know if you follow my Instagram (@owleccentric) — the first time I’ve gotten to go to Goodwill in what seems like forever! I haven’t thrifted any skirts in a very long time, since pregnancy prevented me from wearing most of…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


    So here’s a thing you don’t know about me, which perhaps I shouldn’t be sharing because you might think it’s gross, but… uhm… I don’t wash my thrifted clothes unless they actually smell or look dirty. Most of the stuff I’ve thrifted smells like laundry detergent, and I figure… hey, if it smells clean, it probably is! Right? Anyone? Yeah. My husband thinks it’s gross and I avoid telling him I haven’t washed a thrifted shirt. Usually I get away with it. But obviously if it just smells old or has stains or feels groaty, I’ll wash it! Point being, I got this shirt and sweater from Goodwill the other…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


    This has pretty much become my default outfit now that my belly has outgrown most of my clothes and my need to get dressed is a zero (when you work from home… well, you know.) I’ll be honest: most days now, I sit in my husband’s comfortable flannel pj pants and his softest sweater until about noon, and then decide that it’s probably about time to actually wear clothes. But not complicated ones. I think this is the “jeans and a tee shirt” phase one of my friends expected me to be in. Only instead of jeans and a tee shirt, it’s leggings and a sweater. Pregnant woman’s gotta be…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


    It’s one of those days. Where the weather is cold, and there are pumpkin-chocolate-chip-oatmeal cookies and chai tea to be had, and all I really want to do is curl up under a warm blanket and watch a period movie. That might also be influenced by the fact that I almost gave up on getting dressed this morning out of pure frustration; I’ve been wanting simple, easy outfits that still look put-together,  but anything I might have worn pre-pregnancy doesn’t fit right now, and I tried on five or six different outfits before I came to this. It’s not a groundbreaking, style-forward, or even interesting outfit, but hey. I’m dressed,…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Downton Abbey, Hunger Games, Doctor Who, and Fall

    This post will come to you in the manner of a list, because I have lots of thoughts today and I have to organize them somehow. As a forewarning, if you haven’t yet watched season three of Downton Abbey, or you don’t know how the Hunger Games trilogy ends, you should probably skip points two and three. Spoilers! 1. To say I felt saucy in these sunglasses would be an understatement. So, you know, forgive me for some of the poses. I was having lots of fun. Mr. Owl and I went shopping yesterday, since it was Labor Day and he had the day off, and I had the hardest…