• 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    Let’s Pretend

    Do you ever imagine what it might be like if you were a celebrity? I do. Often, even though I can’t act worth beans and I don’t actually think I would like the life of fame, I imagine walking the red carpet and being interviewed; and mostly, it’s because of the clothes. I would love to be a woman who had access to sweeping gowns made by brilliant designers, to be fitted perfectly to my body; I would love to have someone professionally touch up my makeup — or learn how to do it myself, since I have a thing against other people touching my face — and fix my…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion


    I have been waiting and waiting to debut this vintage 60’s faux fur coat for quite a while. My friend Sarah gave it to me along with these two vest/cape/whatever things from her grandmother’s closet, and I adore it. But it takes a little bit of bravery (for me) to sport a coat with this much personality, and it just needed the perfect dress to go with it. And then RomĂ© from Sunday Millie asked if I wanted to choose a dress to feature for the Dressember Campaign, since she’s doing it but she’s camera-shy, and I saw this and… here we are. Today I am pretending to be a 1940’s…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    The Perfect Dress

    I currently have a small stash of dresses never before worn on the blog sitting in my room. Some of them, I have had for a while. Some of them, like this dress, I found on my most recent thrifting trip when I had a little bit of extra spending money in my pocket. A very little bit. And one of them was kindly sent over to me from Sunday Millie in support of the Dressember Campaign; hopefully I’ll be wearing that one tomorrow. Wait till you see it; it is gorgeous! When I pulled this dress off the rack yesterday, I knew it HAD to be mine. This is…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    Cheshire Garden

    Today, my brain has gone blank. I feel that sort of cloud-induced grogginess that one feels when the weather is overcast, the house is very warm, there’s been a good amount of food, and everything is quiet. Asa and I just got back from a baby play place with one of my friends and her baby, and the activities has worn both of us out! That, and the fact that he got his very first fat lip this morning while standing up to the coffee table in order to get food. Only his foot slipped on a toy, and instead of a good mouthful of banana, he got a bite…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    Owl Always Love You

    Whenever my husband takes pictures with me, I inevitably get silly and forget how to pose. I think that even though I’ve been blogging for somewhere around four years now (well, fashion blogging; I blogged about other things long before that), I still feel awkward when people I know in real life know about it. Or talk to me about it. Or ask how many followers I have (no idea, honestly! I rarely look) or whether something I’m wearing is from a sponsor, or make a big deal out of a package I’ve gotten from someone because of blogging… It just feels odd. I think because my online presence —…