
What are you looking at?

I would like you to meet my new favorite shirt. I was at the mall yesterday (oh, yes. I went to a store that wasn’t Goodwill! It was special) browsing through Forever 21’s sale racks when I spied this baby sitting on the end of a display. I snatched him up, and decided to buy him before I’d even tried on the shirt. Which is now a him, apparently.

I also found two pairs of owl earrings (because the 10 pairs I own are not enough) and a coat with owl lining that I have decided I should ask for for Christmas. (Sadly, they don’t show the lining on the website.)

And apparently this shirt requires that I pose oddly.

Although I could attribute the urge to pose randomly to the slight insecurities I have about these pictures. See, I’m still not convinced that skinny pants and my hips work well together, and I’ve also foregone all makeup but lipstick today. No foundation to cover up blemishes, no mascara and shadow to make my eyes stand out behind glasses, not even brow powder to help even out the proportions of my lenses and my face.

And when I feel… not really uncomfortable, but less-than-confident about me, I tend to break out the quirky posing.

Either that, or I just don’t look at the camera.

But then I got the pictures uploaded to my computer and realized… I quite like these pants. And going makeupless once in a while. And mostly this shirt.

Have I also mentioned that these shoes are possibly the most amazing shoes on the planet? Because they are. They’re furry on the inside, soft on the outside, and pretty much the most comfortable shoes I own. They’re like slippers. They might actually be slippers. But I don’t care. I will wear them outside of my house anyway.

I also took a ton of pictures today. This is what I do when I’m supposed to be cleaning and packing.

Which reminds me, I probably should mention that I’m going to move to a new house with my parents and brother. A new house where I’ll have a bigger bedroom that we are going to paint this color (I’m excited for that), and I plan to redecorate it once we’re all moved in. I’m not looking forward to cleaning the old house, but I’m incredibly excited for the move. My bedroom is upstairs (!!! I hate living downstairs), it’s in town and closer to work, and more importantly it’s much, much closer to Goodwill. This might be bad for my paycheck, but… you know. I don’t mind too much.

And I couldn’t think of a good way to segue into this, so here’s a random gif of me throwing leaves.

how do you make gifs Because leaf-throwing is fun.

In case you’re curious, the shirt says “What are you looking at…” (it may bother me a wee bit that there’s no question mark there), and yes, my pants really are this bright.

I also love the mushrooms growing in our backyard. They are adorable.

Well! I’m off to have dinner at a friend’s house, and then we’re going to tackle the mess of packing and cleaning that needs to be done in my room. It should be fun.

I hope you’ve all had a relaxing Sunday!