• Life

    And I only cried once!

    Today has not been my day. I’d like to pause the regular posting of outfits and happiness to just let you all know: bloggers have bad days, too! To wit: I threw up this morning. I almost got hit on the way to work. I felt like throwing up the entire time I was AT work. A rock hit my windshield and chipped it on the way from work. I went to the dentist. I need a root canal. I tend to post happy things on my blog because… well, it’s a joy to blog, and I am generally a happy person. But today has royally sucked, and I’m not…

  • Life

    Life lately, according to Instagram

    1. The sky this morning was AMAZING. And you can’t tell in the picture, but in the distance there were gorgeous hazy  mountains, and the water was all pink and the skyline was rosy… so pretty. 2. My outfit today. I love it. I’m wearing a scarf as a belt, and I think coral and blue is my favorite combo EVER. I need more coral! 3. Lunch! Minus the homemade Whole30 approved devilled eggs which are fantastic, if I do say so myself… 4. the most amazingest carrots I have EVER had, thanks to this recipe. I have now purchased her cookbook. I don’t like carrots. These were THAT GOOD.…

  • Life,  Paleo

    Health Updates: The Whole 30

    Recently, I read a post by Jessica of What I Wore about The Whole 30. She recapped the experience from the benefits to how she ate and even some exercise she did while doing The Whole 30, and it got me keenly interested in this lifestyle change. I am not going to call it a diet, because really… it’s not a diet. It’s a change of life. A change of what you eat. A choice to put healthy food in your body and leave less-healthy foods by the wayside. I have been looking for this sort of information and backup for a really, really long time. It’s the kind of…

  • Life

    Life Rambles: On Dieting.

    Note: I’ve realized lately that I really want my blog to be more than just about the fashion aspect of my life. I have always been terrible at writing diary entries; from the tender age of seven, I’ve hoarded pretty diaries like a magpie pilfers shiny things, but I rarely wrote on more than ten of their pages. So I’m hoping to put more diary-like entries entailing things about my life other than what I’ve been wearing into the blog (along with pictures, if I happen to have some). I love fashion, and that will always be the primary focus of my pictures, but I want to write more about… life. I…

  • Life,  Love

    And the Winner Is…

    I’m so excited to announce that the winner of my Valentine’s Day Giveaway is (counting from the oldest to newest comments) Number Three! Timea, I’ll be emailing you shortly! Congratulations! (Y’all should hop over and read some of the other love stories, they’re SO sweet!) I’m sorry I’ve been gone so much this week; it’s been raining, therefore… I can’t take outfit pictures. Oh, well. Maybe next week! I’m off to the wedding of my brother-in-law and his beautiful soon-to-be-wife! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!   follow me on: bloglovin | chictopia | facebook | twitter | pinterest | Instagram/Ink361