• Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Where the wild roses grow

    I think I am now addicted to head accessories, you guys. Wearing the one hat has just led to this feeling that no outfit is quite complete without something on my head. And I love it, because it’s also pushing my style back towards the more retro feel (and sometimes full-out 1950’s) that I really love.I’ve always had this huge struggle with settling into just one style, mostly because I look at other bloggers and think “Oh, I love her sense of style, maybe I should try that!” But this week I’ve realized that I just feel the best when I’m dressed in something that looks very retro, regardless of…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


    This has pretty much become my default outfit now that my belly has outgrown most of my clothes and my need to get dressed is a zero (when you work from home… well, you know.) I’ll be honest: most days now, I sit in my husband’s comfortable flannel pj pants and his softest sweater until about noon, and then decide that it’s probably about time to actually wear clothes. But not complicated ones. I think this is the “jeans and a tee shirt” phase one of my friends expected me to be in. Only instead of jeans and a tee shirt, it’s leggings and a sweater. Pregnant woman’s gotta be…

  • Pregnancy

    Lazy Days

    It’s been one of those days where the only reason I had to be dressed was for Bible Study this morning, and now that that’s over, I’m back to wearing the stretchiest pants I can find. Besides, the weather has been too gloomy lately to take outfit pictures, and I haven’t edited my DIY post yet . So instead, I thought I’d just share a daily dose of baby bump with you guys. Just because. How has your day been? Happy Thursday! bloglovin | chictopia | facebook | twitter | pinterest | Instagram | Fiction Press  

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Simplicity and pregnancy myths

    And the dark hair is back! Let me just put one thing straight right now: yes, it is completely safe to dye your hair while pregnant. I’m surprised by how many people have asked or straight out condemned me for doing it, but I suppose it’s just one of those things that people never bother to look up first! And I definitely did. Bleaching your hair is warned against, though there are no signs that it’s ever harmed a baby, but ammonia-free dye to a darker color is perfectly fine. Thankfully, because I love having darker hair in the fall, and I would have been stuck with a bad hair…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


     To be honest, yesterday I spent most of the day either pantsless or shirtless because I was too hot and lazy to do anything. Pregnancy does that to you. And I almost didn’t get dressed. Most of the day was spent either laying on the bed reading, getting my hours in for work (pantsless or shirtless; the pros of working from home), or admiring the ever-growing baby belly (yes, I admire my own baby bump. I can’t help it!) But then… magic. This cardigan came for me in the mail from Oasap, and I. Am. In. Love. I will be obsessed with this sweater for a while, so I might…