• Fashion,  Pregnancy


    It’s one of those days. Where the weather is cold, and there are pumpkin-chocolate-chip-oatmeal cookies and chai tea to be had, and all I really want to do is curl up under a warm blanket and watch a period movie. That might also be influenced by the fact that I almost gave up on getting dressed this morning out of pure frustration; I’ve been wanting simple, easy outfits that still look put-together,  but anything I might have worn pre-pregnancy doesn’t fit right now, and I tried on five or six different outfits before I came to this. It’s not a groundbreaking, style-forward, or even interesting outfit, but hey. I’m dressed,…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


    I spent most of the day today in my underclothes, being sticky and hot, split between finishing Catching Fire and cleaning the upstairs of our house. And, to be honest, I only got dressed properly because we had to leave the house. But today has felt like a day for simplicity, so I resorted to a color I rarely wear (black), disregarded all accessories except my Arwen necklace, and went for a no-makeup makeup look that I might actually try more often.  Some days, simplicity is just the best. Especially on these last hot and especially humid (for Washington) days of summer. I’m SO excited for fall– for tights, pumpkin pie,…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy

    How to Get Dressed While Pregnant (and not get bored)

    As I get more and more pregnant, I’ve been searching high and low through my closet and normal stores for good items to wear that aren’t specifically maternity. As I have mentioned, while it’s really fun to realize yes, I can finally wear maternity clothes… they’re expensive, and a lot of them are kind of boring. And now, as I’m nearing five months pregnant and I can no longer button pants or wear fitted-waist dresses, what do I do? Well, if you’re like me and you don’t have a lot of money, plus don’t want a closet full of clothes that are useless after you have the baby… read on!…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Body Confidence… as a Pregnant Woman

    I knew I would be writing a post like this sooner or later. I have always had a passion for advocating positive body image, no matter what size or shape you are. No matter if you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, if you’re curvaceous or stick-straight, if you’re short and stubby or tall and lanky, if you’re perfectly proportioned or off balance… it doesn’t matter. I’ve always wanted to encourage women of any and every size to accept the shape they are, not be afraid to say that they love the body they have, or work towards positive goals they have set for themselves. Bodies are amazing…

  • Fashion,  Life,  Pregnancy

    The Tougher Days

     Today was one of those days where I would really have loved to stay in bed and play Banana Kong all day. I don’t mean to say pregnancy is a terrible thing; don’t get that wrong. I love being pregnant, if not so much for the symptoms then for the knowledge that I’m going to have a child. I love this baby belly that’s growing and growing by the hour (it seems!). I love finding new confidence in what I’m wearing, and wearing whatever I want because I can totally tell people “Hey, I’m pregnant, I can do what I want!” I love this new sensation of a baby moving…