• Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Think Pink

    The entire day I wore this outfit, I had “Think Pink” from Funny Face running through my head. I felt SO deliciously girly, and I loved it! Not that I don’t normally dress girly on a day-to-day basis, but there’s just something about having a pink-dominated outfit that makes a girl feel pretty. What’s funny is that when I was little, pink was not my favorite color, and it hasn’t been until the last year or so that I’ve started to really love the girliest of shades. I’ve been watching Extreme Cheapskates lately; does anyone watch that? Some of the people on the show… oh my goodness. I mean, there’s…

  • Book Reviews,  Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Movie Review: Jane Eyre 2011

     Before I delve into the review, let me give you a little background story. Jane Eyre has been my absolute favorite book since I was eight years old. I first read the Young Readers Digest condensed version in a green volume at my grandma’s house, where its pages were stuffed between Captain Horatio Hornblower, My Friend Flicka, and Alone. (None of which I have ever read.) I remember being instantly drawn in to the book; I remember Edward Rochester as the first and only book crush I have ever had (he is the ONLY fictional Edward worth loving in today’s culture, if I may say); I remember wanting to be…

  • Fashion

    Coral skirts and fish pins

    Yesterday, as I was driving home from work thinking what a great day it was, planning to take outfit pictures of my entry for the Style Imitating Art series that Jess and Salazar are doing (which I had tried to take that morning, but didn’t like), my car made the loudest noise it’s ever made (and my car is pretty darn loud) and started to lurch and grunt in a dangerous way. Thankfully, there were no cars in the lane next to me so I was able to pull over to the side of the road quickly and safely… with no idea what was wrong. All I could think was…

  • Fashion

    Wishing For Sunshine

    I’ve been working very hard lately on getting items photographed so I can finally open up my new little pet project of a vintage/retro online store, and as I was photographing this skirt to sell, my husband saw me and said “You’re not getting rid of that, are you?”  Apparently, he really likes it. So I guess that means I get to keep it! Which is nice, considering mostly he tells me “Eh, lose it…” when I ponder whether or not I should keep an awesome vintage piece I originally bought to sell. But now that I think about it, I know why he likes this skirt: it’s part hippie,…