• Fashion

    Of smiling

    I have never liked smiling for pictures. And by smiling, I mean… showing teeth. I always felt self-conscious about it because I thought it made my face look chubby. In fact, I’ve never really liked to be photographed by anyone except for myself and one or two trusted — professional — photographers. Even now, I tend to give a close-lipped smile, or just generally try to look pleasant, for others taking photographs or myself when I’m doing blog photos. But I want to change that. Because I love seeing other bloggers smiling. Who doesn’t want to see someone happy? In particular, I’ve been really inspired by Alex of Into The…

  • Fashion

    The great indoors

      It’s been incredibly rainy for the past few days, so I gave in and decided to do an indoor shoot. But, since our house is tiny and the only good lighting is in the upstairs hallway — which is itty bitty– I can’t really get great pictures. Oh, well! I like this outfit too much to not share it! I thrifted the shirt and the skirt — which you’ll know if you follow my Instagram (@owleccentric) — the first time I’ve gotten to go to Goodwill in what seems like forever! I haven’t thrifted any skirts in a very long time, since pregnancy prevented me from wearing most of…

  • Fashion

    Goals of a New Mom

    Today my goals are simple, and I only have three: 1. Stay dressed — this might not seem too hard, but believe me: when you have a newborn, you only get about 5 solid hours of sleep a night, and your house is almost always cold, it’s very tempting to stay in the softest, warmest pair of pajamas you can find and veg out watching Sherlock on Netflix. So I got dressed this morning in my new Oasap shirt, and I plan to stay dressed. I love this shirt, though, so it shouldn’t be hard. 2. Do the dishes. I’ve only washed maybe one load of dishes since I had…

  • Fashion,  Sponsors

    Weekend Favorites, featuring Bijou Vintage Bazaar

    1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 I have been feeling crampy for two days now, and I’m getting impatient for this baby to come! So while I’m sitting around waiting for a baby to arrive, what better to distract myself with than pretty vintage, quirky household items, and pretty accessories? Bijou Vintage Bazaar, as you can see, has all of these! I have been dying to find some cute household additions, and I absolutely love the things she has listed! That pot in particular is the cutest. I really want to add some personal, retro touches to my decorating via mismatched dishes and cookware. Well, once we get a bigger house, anyway. Our cupboards are…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


    If ever there was a piece of clothing that embodied joy for me, it would be this skirt. I mean, it’s vintage, it’s twirly, it’s got a quirky but classic print (dandelion fluff?), it’s that irrisistable soft material I love, it’s pleated… I can’t get enough! Joanna from Cut and Chic Vintage sent it to me, and as soon as it arrived I knew it was my soul mate of skirts. So in love. I had forgotten, too, how much I love this time of year. It was 29 degrees out when I took these pictures (I know, crazy pregnant woman in short sleeves, whatever; it was just for pictures),…