• 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    Owl Always Love You

    Whenever my husband takes pictures with me, I inevitably get silly and forget how to pose. I think that even though I’ve been blogging for somewhere around four years now (well, fashion blogging; I blogged about other things long before that), I still feel awkward when people I know in real life know about it. Or talk to me about it. Or ask how many followers I have (no idea, honestly! I rarely look) or whether something I’m wearing is from a sponsor, or make a big deal out of a package I’ve gotten from someone because of blogging… It just feels odd. I think because my online presence —…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    It’s Beginning To Look a Lot Like…

    I’m feeling much better about today’s outfit! I wanted to wear something very Christmassy because we’re going to get our Christmas tree and Gingerbread ingredients today, but I don’t have a lot of green in my closet. At the last minute, I spotted this scarf I’ve just gotten from Oasap, and voila! The perfect finishing touch. And in a brilliant shot of inspiration, I decided to cut some live greenery and pin a few evergreen branches to my head for a nice wintery crown. It all went well until I picked up one that had a suspicious hanging little speck on it. Before I could pull it away from my…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Baby and Parenthood,  Fashion

    Rain, Rain, Go Away…

     Thrifted vintage dress and heels | Target tights | self-made flower crown | old umbrella | New Old Fashion Vintage scarf Well, today I am not that happy with anything. It’s dumping buckets of rain outside, which limits my photographing ability; I adore this dress but today I just couldn’t get it styled the way I want it, my hair is having one of those days (any attempt to do anything with it has been foiled) and is getting to the point where I need to decide whether to dye it red or back to my natural color and I just don’t know, and also I’m cold. So here’s the…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    Thoughts on Marriage

    Sometimes I feel as though because I’ve only been married for two years, or because I had  a great pregnancy and have a nearly-always-happy child, I am not qualified to give advice. Because I haven’t experienced hardships, I haven’t gone through a rough period, I didn’t have terrible pregnancy symptoms, my boobs didn’t suffer through nursing, my child sleeps fine and only has mild teething symptoms, and I’m still in what most people would qualify as the “honeymoon” stage of marriage. But I read Kristen’s post this morning, and I thought… why can’t I share what I have learned? Just because it hasn’t been hard doesn’t mean I haven’t discovered…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    Bohemian Lace

    Let me preface this by saying: the more I look at this outfit, the less I like it. I like the pieces in and of themselves, but all together… eh. Oh well. You can’t always hit the mark perfectly, especially when you’re blogging every day! Today is a day for laziness, for cuddling up on the couch with my coziest blanket and my squishiest baby and watching Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries all afternoon. Asa is quite sleepy today, which is odd because he slept an hour longer than normal and took one good nap this morning. But, it’s dark and rainy outside, and he’s growing and teething, so I’m sure…