• Fashion

    The great indoors

      It’s been incredibly rainy for the past few days, so I gave in and decided to do an indoor shoot. But, since our house is tiny and the only good lighting is in the upstairs hallway — which is itty bitty– I can’t really get great pictures. Oh, well! I like this outfit too much to not share it! I thrifted the shirt and the skirt — which you’ll know if you follow my Instagram (@owleccentric) — the first time I’ve gotten to go to Goodwill in what seems like forever! I haven’t thrifted any skirts in a very long time, since pregnancy prevented me from wearing most of…

  • Book Reviews,  Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Movie Review: Jane Eyre 2011

     Before I delve into the review, let me give you a little background story. Jane Eyre has been my absolute favorite book since I was eight years old. I first read the Young Readers Digest condensed version in a green volume at my grandma’s house, where its pages were stuffed between Captain Horatio Hornblower, My Friend Flicka, and Alone. (None of which I have ever read.) I remember being instantly drawn in to the book; I remember Edward Rochester as the first and only book crush I have ever had (he is the ONLY fictional Edward worth loving in today’s culture, if I may say); I remember wanting to be…

  • Fashion

    Wandering the corn

    According to Mr. Owl, I looked too much like Christmas in this outfit because of the red and green in/general plaid-ness of the skirt. And now that I think about it, this is sort of a Christmass-y outfit, stars and all. But I have discovered that my wardrobe does not cover all four seasons. I’m either wearing Winter or Spring, and the other two seasons… sort of just have to scrounge around for whatever weather-appropriate wear is available  regardless of its seasonal colors. So far, though, this is the most fall outfit I’ve been able to pull together from my closet. I think I need to do some shopping soon. I…

  • Fashion

    Let’s pretend.

    Let’s pretend that I’ve hemmed this skirt to a more flattering length, that I’m not really American (oh, yes, definitely that one), that I’m a secretary from 1943 who has a dashing employer(preferably one that looks like Toby Stephens) that will one day sweep me away to live in an Edwardian-style mansion where we will live happily ever after… and that you will all unequivocally agree that the larger pictures are better. Let’s also pretend that I’m really going to wear this all day because I don’t have to go to work and be practical. Or perhaps let’s pretend that I can wear this to work because it never gets too…