• Wedding

    Wedding: The Dress Shopping Experience

    Obviously, I’m not going to show you my dress. So, y’know. It’s not that one. It doesn’t look remotely anything LIKE that one. And, although I adore the dress I finally got, part of me still covets that one. But that’s not the point of this post. This post is for all of you brides-to-be who have yet to find a dress, and especially for those of you that haven’t evenĀ gone dress-shopping yet. Because I have some advice for you that will hopefully make your dress-shopping experience much better than mine was. Not that my dress-shopping experience was a nightmare, but there were a few bumps that could have been…

  • Wedding

    Wedding: Nerdy Invitations

    I’m still alive, I promise! I had planned to take outfit pictures yesterday, but then Mr. Owl injured himself at work (nothing’s broken, just badly bruised), so now my photographer is incapacitated and I can’t steal his camera to take my own pictures because his camera is being dumb. Since most of the recent posts have been wedding, I thought I’d show you all the nerdiest and most desireable invitations I’ve ever seen (click on the picture to be taken to the source): I need these. Oh, my goodness, how I need them. As you may know, Mr. Owl and I are both total Lord of the Rings nerds, and…

  • Love,  Photography,  Wedding


    Our first (we may travel up to his brother, who took these, to have more done) engagement photo session was taken at/around the park where we initially both really wanted to get married. However, since we’re getting married in the winter, it’s pretty much insane to want to get married in a brick buildling with no glass in the windows and no heat. So we can only dream! Someone told us that this picture makes us look like a crazy American and a beautiful Italian. (You can guess which is which.) I personally prefer to think of us as Chuck and Ned. Minus the whole he-touches-her-and-she-dies bit. I hope you…

  • Wedding

    Wedding attire: the bling edition

    So I realize that come Saturday, it will have been a full two weeks since I’ve done a proper outfit post. Who knew getting engaged could make me neglect the blog so much? I miss taking outfit pictures. But we’ll have a good set of engagement pictures coming next week, hopefully, so y’know. At least there’s that. One thing about my wedding dress that is only slightly disappointing is the fact that it doesn’t quite go with the necklace I meant to wear. I will still wear the necklace… only wrapped around my wrist instead of around my neck, but this means that now… I don’t know what jewelry to…