• Fashion

    Flower girl

    I have been feeling a lot more relaxed about posting lately; in my desire to post every day of the week for consistency, I ignored the fact that sometimes, I wasn’t too hot on the location with the outfit, or didn’t really like how the outfit looked on camera, or I hadn’t taken the time that day to really think about how my styling worked together. Plus, with Mr.  Owl and I both working, sometimes neither of us actually feels like taking pictures. So I have decided that rather than post five days a week for constant and consistent content (alliteration, much?) I will only be posting when 1. I…

  • Adventures,  Fashion

    The Field of Nightmares

    Today’s pictures come with a possibly disturbing story. If you are particularly queasy about spiders, I’d suggest you skip the text and just look at the pretty pictures, and don’t– I repeat don’t— even be tempted to read the story behind these pictures! I promise, I’m doing you a service by warning you. Although you do probably want to know that my family is moving again, which is how these pictures came about. This field– or rather, swampy land– is just down the road from the house that my parents and I are moving into. Mr. Owl and I were on a walk to find a good place for outfit pictures…

  • Fashion

    The usefulness of a 4-inch heel.

     This is the second dress I’ve worn today. I started out determined to make another frock work for me, but the top of the other dress just… doesn’t work with my body. It’s not flattering. And I almost said “oh well” and wore it anyway, but then I put on these shoes, which reminded me of this dress, which needed this belt… and there you go. I hope you’ll forgive the fact that the lighting has turned me into a piece of white paper today. It’s overcast and bad lighting. But it did bring out the color of the dress. And also the red in my hair. So the other…