• Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Maroon, love, and baby names

    If you missed it on Instagram yesterday, I posted baby Owl’s first and middle initials, which are A and R, to see what people would guess his name was going to be. My favorite guesses were Atticus Rex, Aragorn Romulus, and my friend who said “The scientific name of the Unspotted Saw-Whet Owl is Aegolius Ridgwayi. Guys… I figured it out” And, of course, with Mr. Owl’s family, as soon as we gave the initials one of his sisters guessed the first name right away, and I discovered that my husband does NOT have a poker face. He turns bright red. It’s pretty funny! But his actual name is Asa…

  • Love


    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Today, I am thankful for so many things: my caring, hardworking, crazy, weird, hilarious, sexy, loving, amazing husband; the baby who gets more and more active every day (especially when there’s food!); my family (including my in-laws), which grows bigger and more amazing every year; and the little things. A roof over our heads, food to eat, a great job, this blog. I am so blessed some days I just can’t believe it! I hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful day! bloglovin | chictopia | facebook | twitter | pinterest | Instagram | Fiction Press

  • Life,  Love

    11 Months of Wonderful

    A few of my favorite pictures from the last 11 months of marriage. We’re gonna have a baby. Life is awesome. It’s Friday, I’m in love. Okay, I couldn’t resist a cheesy line. I hope you are all having a wonderful Friday! bloglovin | chictopia | facebook | twitter | pinterest | Instagram | Fiction Press

  • Fashion,  Love,  Pregnancy

    Love and Fall Leaves

    On Sunday, my husband and I went in search of some good fall trees to shoot photos, and we found the perfect location in the parking lot of a school close to where I grew up. They have the most gorgeous red and yellow trees right now! Oh my goodness, I could have died. And in a moment of rarity, I let my husband do the picture-taking. I’m so picky about pictures, and I definitely need to learn to relax and let him do his thing, because he is an excellent photographer. I’m just a control freak when it comes to taking outfit pictures, ha! It was a lot of…

  • Fashion,  Pregnancy


    It’s one of those days. Where the weather is cold, and there are pumpkin-chocolate-chip-oatmeal cookies and chai tea to be had, and all I really want to do is curl up under a warm blanket and watch a period movie. That might also be influenced by the fact that I almost gave up on getting dressed this morning out of pure frustration; I’ve been wanting simple, easy outfits that still look put-together,  but anything I might have worn pre-pregnancy doesn’t fit right now, and I tried on five or six different outfits before I came to this. It’s not a groundbreaking, style-forward, or even interesting outfit, but hey. I’m dressed,…