• Fashion

    Wandering the corn

    According to Mr. Owl, I looked too much like Christmas in this outfit because of the red and green in/general plaid-ness of the skirt. And now that I think about it, this is sort of a Christmass-y outfit, stars and all. But I have discovered that my wardrobe does not cover all four seasons. I’m either wearing Winter or Spring, and the other two seasons… sort of just have to scrounge around for whatever weather-appropriate wear is available  regardless of its seasonal colors. So far, though, this is the most fall outfit I’ve been able to pull together from my closet. I think I need to do some shopping soon. I…

  • Life

    My Day So Far

    I finally have my iPhone, and of course the very first thing I downloaded… was Instagram. I love it! Follow me @owleccentric. (Someone stole EccentricOwl. How dare they.) So far, this morning has been the best Saturday morning ever. Pancakes, pattern mixing, deer in the yard, and now Mr. Owl and I are playing Mario on the Wii. And later, we’re going to a corn maze and pumpkin patch. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!   follow me on: bloglovin | chictopia | facebook | twitter | pinterest  

  • Fashion

    Revelations and Introductions

    Quite a few of you new readers probably don’t know that Mara is not my real name. I have been blogging and posting on the internet as Mara since I was sixteen– spurred by my old username and elf name, Maranwe Telrunya– and the fact that when I started up online, I was young and the internet seemed like a scary place. I decided quite a while ago that when I publish my writing, I would like to use the pseudonym Mara Bjornsson (the last name is a very old spelling of my real last name) because I never thought my real name was very author-y. But lately, along with…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    30 Days of Dresses: Playing Favorites

    This is what I wore for my birthday. I nearly chose to wear a skirt instead and take a break from the dress challenge, but then I remembered my favorite dress, and how it goes well with my favorite cardigan and my favorite shoes, and there you have it! All around, my favorites. I think my 30 Days of Dresses might turn into more like 20 Days of Dresses. I definitely have at least 30 dresses, but I’m getting to the point where the ones I have left are dresses I feel like I’ve worn recently– before the challenge started– and also, I am getting bored of my closet. Today, I’m…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    30 Days of Dresses: For rainy days.

    Because of the 30 Days of Dresses challenge, I’ve postponed my usual Midweek Inspiration post. That, and I haven’t been reading blogs as faithfully as I usually do this week, so I didn’t find anything I particularly wanted to reinterpret my own way. I just realized that when I’m wearing dresses, I tend to style them as though they are skirts. Such as on day one, when I wore a cardigan over the dress so it looked like a skirt, or today (day three), when I folded the top of the dress under so… it basically is a skirt. With a bodice folded down. I just don’t tend to know quite…