• Fashion,  Pregnancy

    Snow White

    It’s Halloween! I hope you are all having a good day. For me, well… no candy, no treats, no nothing! I’ve been really lax about how I’ve been eating the last few days, and it’s coming back to get me! I’ve had these terrible incessant burps because my stomach is all off balance from dairy and grains, so it’s back to strict Paleo eating now. Which is sad, because we’re at my in-laws house and they’re making homemade doughnuts. *sigh* I guess if I eat well regularly, I can have treats occasionally. But not all the time! I really wanted to dress as Snow White today — well, a wearable…

  • Fashion

    Addicted, much?

    I finally feel like I wear enough red to evidence that it’s my favorite color. Adding that red skirt to my wardrobe seemed to open it up to wearing SO much more red, even though I already own a few red items. Have you ever bought a piece of clothing that kind of opened up your eyes to wearing other clothing items in way more different ways? I have this theory running lately that how I want to be perceived has largely to do with what my head looks like. I’ve been doing this curl thing for a few days now, and I think it makes my style lean vastly more…

  • Fashion

    Dot, dot, houndstooth

    I gave in. I decided to spite the rain and take pictures anyway. Because when I walked out the door, it wasn’t raining that hard. It was a mist. I figured, hey… it’s just a little misty, I can totally rock some pictures right now. Except that it started pouring halfway through, and by then I didn’t care.  I  may or may not have looked at my closet yesterday morning and just thought “wear all the black-and-white patterned things!” Lucky me that they actually go together. For the most part. I folded up the bottom of my cardigan to be a bit shorter, but that didn’t last all day. I…

  • Fashion

    Remix, rewear, repeat.

    It’s official: I am in love with this skirt. I don’t even care that I just wore it, and with polka dots no less; I can foresee many, many ways to mix this with all of my current wardrobe items. It was the best $2.50 I ever spent. Love. I don’t really have much else to say today! But the sun is shining, the weekend is almost here, and life is good. Other than the fact that I don’t have a car. But even that is fine! I get to drive my in-laws’ car, which is way nicer than mine (the window rolls down! The back windshield wiper works! The…

  • Fashion

    Polka dots and perfect red skirts

    Have you ever done that thing where you publish a post and then go back a few hours later and decide you really don’t like it? Yeah, I just did that. I had another post up, but I just… really didn’t like the pictures or the post. So it’s gone. Is that weird?  I have been looking for a red skirt to add to my wardrobe for AGES. I cannot tell you how many red skirts I’ve tried on in the last few months in search of that perfect one; so many of them were too short, too straight, just fit wonky, or didn’t fit at all. Or were nice,…