• 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    The Everyday Mom

    Please vote for me in the Firmoo Blogger Awards contest! All you have to do is click the “vote” button once a day from now till the 14th, and you’re done! No sign-up, no required email address, nothin’! Just a click and done and I will love you forever! Today’s outfit is basically the equivalent of a tee shirt, sweatpants, and a sweater.  Don’t let the looks fool you guys, I could sleep in this. Fleece-lined leggings, a jacket made out of sweater material (the buttons make it look much more structured than it is) and a stretchy dress is the epitome of easiness, but thankfully it looks pretty because…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    Sweet as Cherry Pie

    Please vote for me in the Firmoo Blogger Awards contest! All you have to do is click the “vote” button once a day from now till the 14th, and you’re done! No sign-up, no required email address, nothin’! Just a click and done and I will love you forever! I don’t know why, but somewhere along the last year or two, I’ve quit mixing patters as much as I used to. I feel like back in 2012 when I really started getting into my own style, I mixed patterns and colors willy nilly, but then somewhere between then and now, I stopped. I don’t know why; perhaps I was trying…

  • Fashion

    Let It Snow…

    Oh my goodness, you guys!!! SNOW. (Okay, so that’s obvious.) I know in some parts of the world people get snow all the time and therefore hate it, but in my part of the world… winter = rain, or clouds, or just misery. Rarely snow. I think last year we got a smattering of snow maybe once, and it wasn’t even pretty snow. It was slushy, gross snow. So to wake up this morning to a winter wonderland… I was pretty excited. Especially because we had planned to take our first little family Christmas card picture today. Everything turned out so perfectly! Suffice it to say, though, this was the…

  • Fashion,  Life

    Pacific Northwesterners

    Today, I quit my job. I know that sounds crazy after I’ve admitted we’re pretty broke, but… we’ll live. We’ve been scraping by for two months on just my husband’s paycheck, so I know we can make it, even if it is tough. There are moms out there who work part time or full time, and I don’t know how they do it. It might sound really weak to admit that even working 4 hours a day wore me out, stressed me out, made me emotional and more prone to impatience with Asa… I just can’t be that woman. I can’t be a superwoman who has a steady job and…

  • Baby and Parenthood,  Fashion

    Florals and Giraffes

    Well, I am officially no longer nursing Asa. It’s a weird thought; I haven’t nursed him for two days, and I haven’t suffered any aftereffects that I wondered about – engorgement being the biggest one. But we transitioned to the bottle over three months time, nursing less and bottle-feeding more out of necessity rather than choice, so I’m sure that helped tremendously. But now I have to… I don’t know, figure out who I am again. Motherhood is such a rollercoaster of fluctuating identities. You first become “the pregnant one” in your circle of friends (well, I did, being the only pregnant one in my and my husband’s circle… and……