
I have the urge to burst into song.

 Details: Shirt(unknown), belt ($0.99) and skirt($4.99), thrifted; Shoes($12), Walmart; Earrings ($8), Fred Meyer
Approximate outfit cost: $25.98 

I told you I’d make up for the lack of pictures yesterday, so prepare yourself to be bombarded.
(is it just me, or do I look unnecessarily smug in that first photo?)

This is what I wanted to wear today,  but we’re not allowed to wear open-toed shoes at work and the manager isn’t sure what exactly is “family friendly” attire yet, so I opted for the safe route and am wearing jeans and a tee shirt. Again. I’m so tired of jeans.

Skirts are WAY more fun.

 See? Much more fun.

Even when you stop twirling too soon and totally mess up the shot.

I don’t really have much to say right now. I’m looking forward to work today, to getting familiar with the machine and improving my ability to foam milk (which I’m really bad at). And I’m looking forward to actually having a job and not having to worry so much about who’s going to fill my gas tank.

And you know, extra money for clothes. 😀

Speaking of money, though, this job came with perfect timing as my parents are hosting a Financial Peace class (Dave Ramsey) and I will be learning how to budget my money and how to be smart with it and not just blow it all on one thing. I’m excited for that. I’ve always wanted to learn how to budget, and I generally am careful with my money as it is, but it’ll be nice to have more solid guidelines and better knowledge of how money works.

I am definitely going to be budgeting in savings for Ireland. I need to go there. Need.

I’d better clean up my messes and make sure I have everything I need for work today.

Work! It’s exciting.

I hope you all have a beautiful Thursday!


  • jsh0608

    I love this outfit. I don’t know if I can pull it off, but you do a great job of it!!! :0) Glad you are liking your new job…keep up the good work. :0)

    • Mara

      I’m sure you could! Really, it’s just a matter of finding the right proportions for your body. 🙂 So tweak the shirt/skirt length a little, maybe wear the belt higher or lower, and you could probably wear it really well. 😉

  • Margaret

    I LOVE Dave Ramsey! Live like no one else so you can live like no one else- words I live by. 🙂

    Good luck at work! Having a job is nice, as sometimes money comes in handy. I spent all of my savings going to Europe last year (and buying myself a new car when my old one bit the dust), sigh… And now I keep seeing places that I want to go! Ireland sounds so heavenly! Maybe you’ll meet a guy like in PS I Love You! Except that was Scotland.

    Oh, and I love your shoes!

    • Mara

      I really like Dave Ramsey, too! I am so excited to learn about budgeting and etcetera, especially because I have a job that doesn’t pay a ton and I really need to budget… but also, he’s so entertaining!

      Thank you. Having a job is very nice, especially because it’s a job I love. 😀 I’m going to try to budget in savings for Ireland– my tip jar, which I need to take a picture of, says “Ireland Funds” on it. It’s fun to have people asking me where in Ireland I want to go, or tell me about when they went to Ireland. I love it.

      haha, maybe! Except yes, that was in Scotland. And in real life, the guy is British. (I found that out and was like, what… is there a shortage of good Scottish actors or something? Seriously?)

      Thank you. 😀

  • Lauren

    Wow! So much has happened the last time I visited your blog! Good luck on your new job! I work at a frozen yogurt place and we have to wear close-toed shoes and pants all the time too. 😛 Some days I just want to wear a dress or something different!
    I love your outfit, as usual. I can’t even decide what part of it I like best. Maybe it’s the shirt. Or the belt. Or the skirt…
    Or the shoes.
    When you go to Ireland, can you pack me in a duffel bag and take me with you?!?! You don’t even have to smuggle me back on the return trip. I’m fairly sure I will love it there and never want to return. 😀

    • Mara

      Yeah, a lot has happened! 😀 Thank you. I don’t *have* to wear pants, but since I need to wear tennis shoes so my back doesn’t hurt, I don’t really want to wear skirts and look like a dork. Although nobody would know except the owner, since cars can’t see my feet. But it’s just easier to wear jeans– for mobility purposes. Close-toed shoes are a must, though.

      My favorite is the skirt. 😀 Thank you.

      Yes! I can! Hehe.

  • Bethie

    Those are great goals!! I’m saving for next summer’s England/Scotland trip! And it’s WONDERFUL to have extra money for cute clothes and special food I normally wouldn’t get to have because I have to share things with tons of siblings. 😛

    I’m so excited about your job! I really hope it agrees with you and you continue to like it!!

    • Mara

      It is so nice to have extra money. Right now, though, it’s hard not to stop by Goodwill… I mean, having the tip money in my wallet is nice, but also a bad thing. Hehe. I have to learn to only spend the budgeted amount on clothes right now.

      So far, so good! I still love it, even after the hectic Saturday opening shift! Tomorrow will be the real test, though. (Because I have to get up at 2:30)

  • Sarah

    I think you look elegant in the first photo, not smug. I’m not sure you could look smug, your kind heart shines through too well. 🙂 Gorgeous outfit by the way! I’m in love with it!

  • Demy

    *_* WOOOWWW (yes again I’m WOW-ing, not my fault :P) You look amazing! This top is gorgeous, and it shows off your body in a great way 🙂 The skirt is adorable too! The whole outfit rocks actually and the photos are stuuuuunnniiiiing! The first one is not smug at all, in fact it’s my favorite! You are a gorgeous girl 🙂 Aaaand I’m really happy you like the new job, extra money is always welcome 😀
    You want to go to Ireland?? Why am I not surprised? I’m sure that’s because of ‘Sweet Ireland Air’. It’s just know.. you really get this place! It’s like you’ve already been there! I’m WOWing for your talent once again! 😀
    I’m saving money too, but for me it’s New York, not Ireland. I hope that we’ll both reach our goals 😀

    • Mara

      haha! You and your wowing. 😀 You’re adorable.

      Yes, I SO want to go to Ireland! I have for a looong time. And hopefully I write like I’ve been there– I did a lot of research about little things while writing, and still do. I don’t want to make mistakes with places I’ve never been. 😀

      I want to go to New York, too! Good luck saving!

  • Elizabeth

    I love the enthusiasm you bring to your blog. The unique outfits are cool too. I hope you find the success you are looking for. Took me a long time and a lot of lost money to unnecessary interest to learn to budget. Take a cue from your symbol and be wise with your money. Security, even in a small measure, is immeasureable.

    • Mara

      Thank you! I’m sort of that way in real life, so I’m glad it translates into my blog. 🙂
      I hope that I can be wise with my money– I grew up in a poor home,and I learn from seeing other people make mistakes, so…hopefully I’ve learned and will continue to learn to be wise about money.
      Although my security doesn’t really come from money. 🙂

  • Snigdha

    I LOVED the earrings 🙂 they are so pretty!
    Y’know Mara, you can make even a love-hater like me to fall in love with you 😉
    You’re THAT pretty! 🙂

  • Jennifer

    Oh my Zeus!!!! LOVE IT!!!! I so need you to be my fashion guru. You have got it going on in a major way! Show me the way Master Fashion Jedi.

    Major kudos on the job!!!!! Best of luck!!

    • Mara

      That is the best saying ever!
      Oh, goodness. I don’t know if I could be a fashion guru! I just wear what I love… although it really helps to know what works on your body.

      Thank you. 😀

    • Mara

      Thank you! That’s my driveway. The backdrop.

      I was going to comment that this day is unusual for me since I’m not wearing any color (it’s all neutral) but… I’m wearing a pattern, so y’know. It works.