• Fashion

    Man of Style: Blazers and Bow Ties

    I haven’t done a style post featuring Mr. Owl for so long, so I was really excited when Tie Society offered us the opportunity to try out their services. They’re a pretty cool company where you can choose an option to have one, three, five, or ten ties or bow-ties a month, and when you’re done with the tie or bow-tie, you can send it back and select another one. I’ve heard of these kinds of services for women, but this is the first men’s type of a trade-off I’ve ever seen!   We went up to Seattle for the day, and got at least five people complimenting him on…

  • Letters,  Love

    … And When I Reach Fifty, You May Find That I’m Really a Clinically Insane Five-Year-Old.

    Dear Future Man That I Finally Manage To Trap Marry, I was thinking the other day(actually… that was this morning) about just how incredibly gifted you will have to be to put up with me. Not that I’m a particularly difficult person to deal with… most days… but I’m  not exactly your run-of-the-mill, just-what-she-looks-like, normal girl. (I can’t even spell normal correctly on the first try. Really. It comes out “norlma.”) Just about two hours ago, I was thinking about you, and how you might find me to be very odd at first. (or always) You see, about two hours ago I was driving down the road talking to myself.…

  • Letters,  Love

    Hello Again

    It’s been a while. A lot of things have happened since I wrote the last letter; we moved to Mississippi and back, moved to a different house, my nephew was born, I cut off all my hair. Oh, and I finished another novel, although I may never publish it. I feel as though I can finally call myself an author, now that I’ve actually finished two novels. Someday I’ll publish them; I finally felt God telling me to go ahead and really start thinking about it. And moving towards it. It all happened when I finally said goodbye to hopes of a continued friendship with a guy who, honestly, I…

  • Letters,  Love

    A Love Letter

    I know I haven’t met you yet, and I may not know who you are for a long time. But I’m feeling longing tonight, so here’s a letter that you will read someday in the future. Lately, I have gotten the feeling that I may be single for a few years more. It bothered me at first; I’ve dreamed of meeting you and getting married since I was fourteen years old, and I hated the fact that maybe I’m not ready for marriage yet. I felt old. Yeah, sure, I’m only twenty-one. But my mom and my grandma both got married at eighteen, and I felt like I’m dropping the…

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