• Fashion

    I walk on railroad tracks, cuz I’m a rebel like that.

    I feel a little bit like my blog is getting a nice makeover: I took that hiatus last week to save up some outfit pictures, all of which Mr. Owl is taking, and they’re all so pretty and professional-looking… except for the part where I still don’t quite know what to do with myself in them. I am hoping that my new blog-schedule will go something like this: Monday: Normal outfit post. Tuesday: Tutorial! Whether it’s makeup or hair or nails or clothing makeovers. Wednesday: Midweek inspiration, where I show you another blogger’s outfit that inspired my own, or reinterpret another blogger’s outfit into something I wear. Thursday: a day-in-the-life sort of post to share…

  • Fashion,  Love

    Cleaning and stealing.

    I cleaned out my closet this morning, and took out all of the clothes I’ll be selling. It’s amazing how many garments were in my closet that I actually just don’t wear. Not because of the modesty issue, but because they’re too big, or they just fit me funny. And I now have a pile of clothes on the back of my vanity chair to wash, style, model, photograph, and put up for sale. It should be a fun project. But it might take me a while. There’s also a “maybe” pile, for the few dresses that I absolutely love and really want to somehow modify to make them work. Some…

  • Fashion

    Snow White is cranky.

    You can’t tell by this picture, but I’m feeling a little bit cranky today. I blame the weather. And lack of good sleep. And the unhealthy amount of chocolate I had last night. And my hair’s disobedience (especially my bangs.) But I’m leaving to see my Owl today, so all will be well. We plan to do a possible photoshoot in the woods if the weather decides to get nicer, make doughnuts, and watch The Two Towers. Despite my current crankiness, I think it’ll turn out to be a much better day than it feels right now. Speaking of my hair– which I was a few sentences ago, shush– I…

  • Fashion


    As if I wasn’t girly enough already, today I feel like a culmination of everything it means to be feminine. Pink? Check. Purple? Double check. Heels? Of course! Shiny things? Yes. Everywhere. Painted nails? For once, check. Twirly skirt? Well… close enough. It’s rare that even I feel too girly, but this outfit… I feel like a doll. In a weird way. But not enough that I’m going to change. My man and I are going  job-hunting today. He makes custom furniture for people from his house, but he’d like a “real” job, and me… well, I just want to have a budget for thrift shopping again. So I’m dropping…

  • Fashion


    Mr. Owl says I look like a hippie in this dress. A cute hippie, but still a hippie. I told him he’d just have to deal with it because I like this dress and it reminds me of something a Bennet might wear. Speaking of Mr. Owl, we went to a used  bookstore yesterday and he found me the best books ever: The Hobbit, and The Fellowship of the Ring. Not only are they the best because, y’know, Lord of the Rings, but also because they match the Two Towers and Return of the King copies I found at a thrift store and hadn’t been able to match. I’m exceedingly, nerdily excited…