• Fashion

    Five Months.

    As I mentioned yesterday, it was Mr. Owl and my 5 month anniversary. His parents apparently kept making fun of us for celebrating by saying they had been together for five hundred and something months (they’ve been married for 43 years), but I think inside they just think we’re cute. And maybe a little young… and possibly pathetically inseparable… but mostly just cute. We celebrated by going out for Mexican food. We nearly consumed all of a ginormous burrito, and did consume all of a cheese crispy (crisp tortillas topped with cheese, guacamole, onions, and tomatoes)… and afterward, we went to the store and got Reeses Peanut Butter Ice Cream Bars…

  • 30 Day Challenges,  Fashion

    30 Days of Dresses: Day One.

    It’s time to start 30 Days of Dresses! I meant to start mine on Saturday, but then Mr. Owl and I went on a hike. And I haven’t mastered the art of hiking in a dress. (There was snow at the top. We slid on the way down.) So I started yesterday instead. Fun fact: the last time I remember wearing this dress, it was summer. And I had a tan. I miss summer. I want it to come back. If any of you want to join my friend Sarah and I, please do! I got a lot of comments (that I have yet to reply to, shame on me!)…

  • Fashion

    Bikes and Stripes

    Somehow, it completely slipped my mind that I was going to do a Midweek Inspiration post today, perhaps because we– being my family and I– are going to move again at the end of the month, so a lot has been going on. So instead, here’s the outfit I wore on Sunday. I’ll get back to Midweek Inspiration next week! This is the second of the three skirts I bought in XXL sizes and tailored, and it may be my favorite one! In fact, this is probably my favorite outfit that I’ve worn this year. Red is my favorite color, I love the quirky print, stripes are always good, these…

  • Fashion

    St. Patrick’s Day.

    So, as you probably guessed by the title, this is what I wore for St. Patrick’s day. I didn’t want to go overboard with all-green (I could have. I’ve got green tights, this skirt, and a few green sweaters… or I just bought green pants), and this skirt originally came with a pink belt, so I had to wear the pink tights. This skirt is also part of tomorrow’s tutorial on how to shop like a genius. (Yes. I am calling myself a genius. y’know. Not that I’m vain or anything. Hehe.) I won’t spoil it for you, but this and three other skirts were part of a  pretty smart…

  • Fashion


    I wore this yesterday. As I sort of predicted for myself– mostly because of the weather– I didn’t get this week’s posts pre-scheduled by Saturday. But I’m still aiming to post five days this week! Hopefully the weather will comply. I really need to get in the habit of asking Mr. Owl to go take outfit pictures with me– it’s not that he’s unwilling, it’s just that we start having too much fun to go take pictures, or we get distracted by something else, and then when I finally remember to ask, it’s too dark/raining/insert-another-weather-condition-here. And the weather has been extremely temperamental lately! Such as yesterday. We had just barely…