• Fashion

    Dy oe.

    So you might have guessed from the title that a few of my keys are still broken. Or you might have just stared at it and wondered what “dy oe” meant… but I like to think that my readers are cleverer than that. I’ve regained most of my keys, although the very important ones, like “a” and “n”  and “f” still refuse to work. You never notice how much you use certain keys until they no longer work. I’m getting quite proficient at only using my on-screen keyboard when I have to. And also at using words that mostly don’t require my broken keys. SO. The above is my first…

  • Fashion

    Remix, repeat, rewear… etc…

     I know, I know. I just wore this skirt… that is actually a dress. And I also said I probably wasn’t going to blog today. Well. It’s my blog, my rules. So there. I keep forgetting that I was going to do the 30-for-30 challenge, which… I am going to do it once I start house-sitting next week, and I haven’t bought anything new since I decided not to spend my tips in August, but I think that I am rendering the “first” outfit of 30-for-30 to be null and void. Oh well. Guess how long it took me to shoot my outfit pictures today? Five minutes. Yep, you read that right.…

  • Fashion

    A little hiatus.

    I won’t be able to blog again until Monday, as I’m going camping this weekend and tomorrow is going to be hectic… and I wasn’t able to take any pictures of  my outfit other than webcam ones, because my camera’s batteries died and I didn’t have the other ones charged.  So here are the three webcam snapshots of what I wore this morning (because it was far too hot in the shop to wear this denim skirt at work):   And also: the cutest owl mug ever. Isn’t it darling? I hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I might be able to shoot of a really, really fast outfit post…

  • Fashion


      I don’t have much to say today, because I need to leave… except that I hate the camera. It was being nice with the lighting and everything was proper until I changed a detail in my outfit, and then suddenly it decided that everything needed to be brighter. And I’ve tried figuring out how to change the lighting manually, but there doesn’t seem to be an option for that. Ah well. My shirt has Alice in Wonderland on it… which is why I’m holding a  bunny. And why this post is called “Wonderland.” In case you didn’t get that. It’s not really why I look so lost, though. But…

  • Fashion

    In which I climb a tree, discard my shoes, and crave chocolate.

    You know, because that’s just what you do in a dress. Right? Anyone? Hmm. Must just be me, then. I felt like a gypsy in this dress, until I started climbing the tree. Then, I decided that it was “pretend to  be a faerie” time. And also “pretend to be graceful and fail” time. Oh, and also “climb a tree in a dress that has an awkwardly short lining while pretending it’s not awkward,” and “be glad nobody’s home to see you climbing a tree in a dress and almost exposing your bum,” and “accumulate two stubbed toes and one very scraped-up wrist” time. But now that I’ve taken pictures…