• Fashion


    One of the nice things about having photographed the vintage in my shop is that on rainy days like today, I can borrow the pictures for an outfit post! This is how I’ve always imagined wearing this skirt, but it doesn’t fit me (it’s a few inches too small in the waist.) The delicate colors just had to be worn with this lace top, and  when I went to style the outfit for the shop, I immediately knew what I’d do. Of course, you can’t see that it’s not actually buttoned, thanks to the belt, but uh… yep. I feel like my hair is very mermaid in this post. I…

  • Fashion

    Little Red

    Since I’ve been on a sort of roll with my Doctor Who Inspired outfits, I have been really wanting to do some Fairytale inspired outfits, too, and this marks my first one. If you hadn’t guessed by the cape and the title and the basket, I decided to start up with Little Red Riding Hood. I saw this cape on Oasap, and HAD to have it! It looked so cozy and retro and perfect for fall, and when it arrived yesterday I was definitely not disappointed. It’s so soft! I can’t wait to style it other ways! As I posted earlier today (two posts in one day! Why not?), I’ve…

  • Fashion

    Bang Bang

    Do you ever have those days where you make a decision that you regret almost before you’ve even made it? Today is one of those days. As if I haven’t already done enough to my hair, I decided I wanted to trim my  bangs up a bit, since I’ve decided to give the curling iron a rest for a few days (to let my hair get over the trauma of being dyed). But right as I began to cut I thought “do I really want to do this?” *snip*  “too late…” Somehow, no matter how low I begin cutting my bangs, they end up much higher than I intended them…

  • Fashion

    Magic Hour

    Do you ever have one of those days where everything goes fantastic until the very end? And somehow, even though it’s been a great day, you have a breakdown over something somewhat miniscule? Yesterday was one of those days. My  husband and I took a day trip to Port Townsend, and the whole day was really great right up until we got home with an exhausted baby who had decided he didn’t really want to eat normally OR sleep much all day. After feeding him and getting him to go to sleep, he woke up 45 minutes later crying hysterically, and I knew he was just tired but it suddenly…

  • Fashion

    Gypsy Girl

    Some real talk today, girls: as I looked back through these pictures, I was ready to discard about half of them simply because of one thing: belly squish. It’s not a part of my body I’ve ever been insecure about before, but now that I’ve had a baby, my stomach has become a lot squishier — if not actually thicker, just less muscled — than it ever was, and when I wear jeans and sit thusly, I get rolls. So I looked at the pictures that I otherwise loved, and thought “ugh, belly squish. I won’t post those ones.” Even though I like everything else about these pictures — the…