• Vintage Shop

    Owl and the Boy Vintage

    I am so, so, SO excited to tell you that my online retro/vintage shop is FINALLY open! I’m selling some great stuff for spring and summer, and I’ve found TONS of really fantastic skirts to post in the future, so hop on over and see if there’s anything you like! Here are some of the fun fabrics involved:   Please be aware that while I am very willing to ship outside the US, I’m not sure of the exact shipping costs yet so I may have to work with you via paypal on shipping cost once I can take it to the post office and get it weighed! Feel free…

  • Fashion

    The Eighties Called…

    You guys (er… girls…) I have a problem. See, I bought this dress to sell. I picked it off the rack at a thrift store because it looked absolutely crazy on the hanger and I had to try it on (I do that a lot), and then discovered that the shoulder-pads, stretchy fabric, and pockets– not to mention the houndstooth pattern– were totally awesome, plus it’s vintage, and I thought maybe I could list it in my soon-to-be-opened vintage shop. But then I took it home, styled it with these tights and this belt and these shoes, and fell in love. And I never, ever thought I would admit falling…

  • Fashion

    Valentine’s Day Lookbook: Vintage

    This is the first photoshoot I have ever done by myself in a semi-public place. It was on a country road (I live in the country… ish…) in front of the doors of a community building, so people were driving by every once in a while (staring), and I drove by three times before I convinced myself I was brave enough to stop and take pictures there. But I did. I set up the camera, got the focus in place, and started snapping. Quite a few people slowed down as they drove by, and one lady, who lived on the driveway near this building, stared at me the entire time…

  • Fashion,  Vintage Shop

    Resolution #5

    I’m trying to keep up with the blog even though I have no computer except the work computer, so while I’m waiting for the money to buy a new laptop, I thought I’d take care of other things: specifically, one of my new year’s resolutions. In my new year post, I mentioned cultivating my blog shop, which I’ve had around for a little while now. I started it up just to get rid of some of my clothes that I think are too pretty to give to Goodwill just yet, but the more I put up, the more I realized how much I love styling and posting garments for other…

  • Life

    New Year Wishes and Instagram Outfits

    I have been very faithfully recording my daily outfits on Instagram lately, so if you’re craving more outfits and I’m slow posting them to the blog, check on my Instagram, @owleccentric! I will be trying to make an insta-outfit pictures album on Facebook, but I can’t really do that until we get internet at my house. I have a few New Year’s resolutions now that we’re in the New Year and I’ve finished sharing my wedding pictures with you all, and since I didn’t do an official “Happy New Year!” post, I thought I’d do that now. So here they are. My new years resolutions. 1. Wear more/find more vintage…