• Sponsors

    Sponsor Spotlight: Ahka Vintage

    Before we get back into the last stint of wedding pictures,  I am very pleased to introduce my newest sponsor to you all. Ahka Vintage carries many, many adorable vintage and retro pieces. I challenge you not to spend an hour or two browsing! Here are a few of my favorites: 1/2/3 4/5/6 I could go on and on about how many of their dresses I love, but you really should just go browse for yourself.  A little bit about them: Ahka vintage is run by sisters who share a love for vintage (obviously), embrace that not all women are model-figured, and price their adorable clothing at incredibly great prices.…

  • Fashion

    Remix, repeat, rewear… etc…

     I know, I know. I just wore this skirt… that is actually a dress. And I also said I probably wasn’t going to blog today. Well. It’s my blog, my rules. So there. I keep forgetting that I was going to do the 30-for-30 challenge, which… I am going to do it once I start house-sitting next week, and I haven’t bought anything new since I decided not to spend my tips in August, but I think that I am rendering the “first” outfit of 30-for-30 to be null and void. Oh well. Guess how long it took me to shoot my outfit pictures today? Five minutes. Yep, you read that right.…

  • Fashion

    These are a few of my favorite things

    There was a really lovely breeze yesterday, so I decided to haul some of my favorite wardrobe pieces and accessories outside to take some pictures and share with you a few of my favorite things. Found at an antique store for $12. I’m afraid to wear it. It’s really delicate. Found at Goodwill for like… $7. I never wear this, either. It’s good for photoshoots, though. Given to me by my bride-friend for being in her wedding. Authentic 1940’s cocktail dress. I looove it. I have yet to wear it anywhere. Goodwill. $15. Local thrift store. $5… or maybe, maybe $6. This was… seven or eight dollars? Goodwill… again. Vintage…

  • Life

    Books, skulls, and cats.

    You know, Wednesday should be Writing day. Because… y’know. WW. And then it could be Wednesday’s Weekly Writing Challenge. WWWC. Has a ring to it, doesn’t it? Okay. Nevermind. Not to bring a bit of depression to this ramble, but it has been exactly one week and a day since my nephew’s stillbirth.  I really don’t know what else to call that day- it wasn’t exactly the day of his birth OR his death. But it feels like it’s been forever since December 28th, and I don’t know if this has to do with the high emotions of the day or that it’s already a new year. It does help…

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  • Fashion

    I Like To Cut Things Up.

    Amongst the other changes I’ve made recently- you know, eating healthy and all that- I’ve decided not to use my internet for anything but my Bible reading posts on Saturdays and Sundays. Why? Because I realized recently that there are days that go by where I do not put my computer down. All day. (Except to get some coffee.) And I was pretty much wasting my day doing absolutely nothing. I felt like I had to be online or I would miss something very important and… I don’t know. Some crap like that. One of the big reasons for ceasing to use my internet on the weekends is that my…