Fashion,  Pregnancy

Polkadots and Confessions

I have a confession to make: I have been hiding something from you guys for a few months now. I really didn’t know how to break the news on the blog, and have just been waiting for the right moment to do so. I thought I would be able to keep it to myself for a while longer, but I can no longer do so.


It’s just getting too big to hide. Mr. Owl and I are going through some life changes right now. Very important and serious ones, and I thought is as good a day as any to tell you all what’s going on. These next few months will be bringing on some huge changes for me and Mr. Owl. HUGE ones.

See, other than having some really big issues with getting internet, there has been something else keeping me from blogging lately:


Namely, this little bump. Which has been making me queasy in the afternoons when I would normally take pictures, emotional all the time, sleepless sometimes, exhausted most of the time, hungry every thirty minutes, and I have to  pee all. the. time.

Yep. Those are the joys of pregnancy. I’m almost three months along now, and showing WAY more than I was told most women did during their first pregnancies (seriously, my friends all didn’t show until four or five months.). But here I am, being asked at church and by friends if I’m going to have twins.

Apparently, my mom carried big, too. But I do have twin uncles, so twins aren’t completely out of the question until we get an ultrasound in a few weeks.


But I really don’t mind. I love that I’m showing so much already, even if that means I’ll most likely be hugely pregnant later. I will definitely be showing it off as much as I can! I’m extremely excited to be pregnant. Of course. 🙂 Even if, so far, the only exciting thing has been that my boobs got bigger.



I crave Mexican food and hamburgers a lot, as well as french fries, all kinds of fruit, and milkshakes. I do not like bread, so far, and can’t stomach salad.



And already, I can only see my toes when I look down.


Oh, and you remember that post a few months ago where I revealed that I’d dyed my hair when so many of you thought I was pregnant? Well… I WAS pregnant, but I didn’t know it yet. So you were right.IMG_2030

But so far, so good! I’ll be three months along on Wednesday. And in six months, I’ll have a baby. That thought is so incredibly strange to me. I haven’t quite connected with the fact that I’m growing a little human being, despite the bump and the sickness and the obvious signs of pregnancy. It’s just so unfathomable.


Target: Shoes, necklace, and tank top
Thrifted: Skirt and belt

Of course, showing this soon means that I will get to buy an entire new wardrobe of pregnancy-friendly clothes! So far most of my skirts don’t fit my waist any more … well, they do, but I can’t stand having something snug around my waist… and I wander around our house without buttoning my pants because they’re just a tad bit uncomfortable. I’ll have to start building a maternity wardrobe soon. I hope to purchase clothes that are functional as non-pregnant AND pregnant clothes. Which means lots of stretchy things, and empire waists.

I hope you have all been having a fantastic few weeks while I’ve been gone! I’ve figured out a precarious way to connect my computer to our internet, but hopefully we’ll find a wireless router soon so that I don’t have to sit upstairs in the stifling heat of our bedroom entangled in wires just to blog. 😉

Happy Monday!


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